
The National Compensation Survey (NCS) provides the only national comprehensive measure of employment cost trends, as well as benefits incidence and provisions data. As the index component of the NCS, the Employment Cost Index (ECI) measures changes in labor costs to employers on a quarterly and annual basis. Average hourly employer cost data for employee compensation (ECEC) is published quarterly, and details employer hourly cost for wages and benefits as well as employer costs for wages and benefits as a percentage of total compensation.

Click on the link below for each NCS publication on the web:

  • Employment Cost Index (ECI)

    The ECI is released quarterly and measures the change in the cost of labor, free from the influence of employment shifts among occupations and industries.  It is designated as one of the principal Federal economic indicators, which are “major statistical series that describe the current condition of the economy” as a measure of labor inflation.

  • Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC)

    The ECEC is released quarterly and measures the average cost to employers for wages and salaries, and benefits per employee hour worked.

  • Employee Benefits in the United States (EBS) – Benefit Coverage

    The EBS publication on benefit coverage is released annually and presents estimates of the incidence and key provisions of selected employee benefit plans.

  • Employee Benefits in the United States (EBS) – Benefit Plan Details

    This EBS publication on benefit plan details is released annually and presents estimates of the detailed provisions of employer-provided health and retirement plans.

  • Work Stoppages Program (strikes, lock-outs)

    The Work Stoppages Program provides data on union strikes and lockouts that occur in the United States. The data tables for work stoppages are posted monthly and an annual press release is issued that contains a chart of all strikes involving 1,000 workers that occurred in a calendar year.

Related Links to Other BLS Programs

  • Occupational Employment Statistics—data on employment and wages for over 800 occupations and for about 400 nonfarm industries for the nation, plus occupational data for States and metropolitan areas.
  • Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages —comprehensive employment and wage data by industry and geographic area for workers covered by State Unemployment Insurance laws.
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook—provides data for 250 occupations, by nature of the work, working conditions, employment, job outlook and earnings, related occupations, sources of additional information, and training, other qualifications, and advancement.
  • Collective Bargaining Agreements—information on collective bargaining agreements.

Last Modified Date: June 30, 2011