Remarks on North Korea Meetings

Stephen W. Bosworth
Special Representative for North Korea Policy 
Seoul, South Korea
December 10, 2009


AP Soundbite from press conference in Seoul after returning from North Korea

SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE BOSWORTH: We did not ask for nor did we meet with chairman Kim Jong Il. We met with the officials that I indicated. As for a message to the North Koreans from President Obama, in effect I am the message.

SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE BOSWORTH: It is important to point out that these were exploratory talks, not negotiations. It is certainly our hope based on these discussions in Pyongyang that the six-party-talks can resume expeditiously and that we can get back to the important work of denuclearization.

SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE BOSWORTH: I believe that this visit and my conversations in Pyongyang were very useful. And we were able to exchange views in a candid and business-like fashion. We identified some common understandings on the need for and the role of the six-party-talks and the importance of implementation of the 2005 Joint Statement.

SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE BOSWORTH: As President Obama has made clear, the United States is prepared to work with our allies and partners in the region to offer North Korea a different future. The path for North Korea to realize this future is to choose the door of dialogue in the six-party-talks and to take irreversible steps to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

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