Contract Awarded for the Phase 1 Construction of the New Office Compound for the American Insitute in Taiwan

Media Note
Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 20, 2009


The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations and the Bureau of Administration announced the award of a $54.4 million contract to build Phase 1 of the New Office Compound (NOC) in Taipei, Taiwan.

The NOC Phase 1 contract in Taipei will be constructed by Weston Solutions, Inc. of West Chester, Pennsylvania.
by Weston Solutions, Inc. of West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Phase 1 consists of site clearing and grading, construction of perimeter security systems, vehicular and pedestrian access control facilities, recreational facilities, guard quarters, maintenance buildings and surface parking and parking structure.

Phase 2 will consist of the construction of a new office building which is presently in design and will be awarded at a future date to complete the facility.

The 16 acre (6.5 hectares) site located in the Nei-Hu District in Taipei was acquired on a long-term 99 year lease from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.

The NOC will replace the American Institute in Taiwan’s current office facility. The proposed completion date for Phase 1 is 2011. The new office building in Phase 2 is expected to be completed approximately 30 months after contract award.

For further information, please contact Jonathan Blyth at or on (703) 875-4131.

PRN: 241


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