U.S.- China Legal Experts Dialogue

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 18, 2012


The next round of the U.S.-China Legal Experts Dialogue will take place in Beijing April 24-25, 2012. Legal Adviser Harold Hongju Koh and Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Michael H. Posner will lead the U.S. delegation. Senior Judge Hu Yunteng will lead the Chinese delegation.

The Legal Experts Dialogue brings together government and non-government experts from the United States and China to discuss the benefits and practical implementation of the rule of law.

The United States and China have agreed to strengthen cooperation in the field of law and exchanges on the rule of law. The Legal Experts Dialogue provides a unique opportunity to further the development of the rule of law in areas of mutual interest.

PRN: 2012/598


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