Category: Secretary of Commerce John Bryson

Datesort icon Type Title
03/30/2012 Blog India Trade Mission: Day 5 - Welcoming Indian Travelers to Visit the United States
03/30/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary Concludes India Trade Mission
03/30/2012 News Remarks at the Launch of the Visit USA Committee in Mumbai, India
03/29/2012 Blog India Trade Mission: Day 4 - Promoting Business Investment in the United States
03/29/2012 News U.S. Department of Commerce Announces $200 Million in Disaster Relief Funding
03/29/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary and Business Delegation Travel to Mumbai
03/29/2012 News Remarks at Luncheon Sponsored by Confederation of Indian Industry and U.S.-India Investors Forum in Mumbai, India
03/28/2012 Blog India Trade Mission: Day 3 - Bringing the Business Development Mission to Jaipur
03/28/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary Brings Business Development Mission to Jaipur
03/28/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson Visits Jaipur Foot
03/28/2012 News Remarks to Rajasthan Industry Luncheon in Jaipur, India
03/27/2012 Blog India Trade Mission: Day 2 - Promoting U.S.-India Business Partnerships
03/27/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary Promotes U.S.-India Commercial Trade
03/27/2012 News Remarks at Growth in Emerging Metropolitan Sectors (GEMS) and Infrastructure Roundtable in New Delhi, India
03/26/2012 Blog India Trade Mission: Day 1 - Commercial Dialogue
03/26/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary Begins First Official Trade Mission in India
03/25/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson Embarks on India Trade Mission
03/23/2012 Blog Off to India – On My First Trade Mission, Opportunities Abound
03/22/2012 News Oral Statement on Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Before Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies
03/21/2012 Blog Making America a Top Tourist Destination: Commerce and Interior Keep Up Efforts to Increase Visitation
03/21/2012 News U.S. Commerce Department Releases Data Showing Tourism Spending Increased 8.1 percent in 2011, Supporting an Additional 103,000 Tourism-Related Jobs
03/20/2012 News Oral Statement of John Bryson, Commerce Secretary, on the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget, House Subcommittee on Commerce, Science and Related Agencies
03/20/2012 Blog Secretary Bryson Announces 16 Companies Joining his First Trade Mission to India
03/20/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson Announces 16 Companies Joining his First Trade Mission to India
03/19/2012 News U.S.-EU Joint Statement on Privacy from EU Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding and U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson
03/16/2012 Blog U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson Highlights Manufacturing and Exports in Florida
03/16/2012 News Remarks at Pavilion Furniture in Miami Gardens, Florida
03/15/2012 News Statement by U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson on the U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement
03/13/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk Applaud President Obama’s Signing of Legislation to Level the Playing Field for American Workers
03/13/2012 News U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk Applaud President Obama’s Signing of Legislation to Level the Playing Field for American Workers