Category Archives: Financial Literacy

Student Reflections: The National Financial Capability Challenge

This morning, at the U.S. Department of Education headquarters in Washington, DC, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Neal Wolin joined members of the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability to recognize some of the … Continue reading

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ED Hosts Financial Literacy Summits

For far too many students and families, the lack of financial literacy is a major roadblock on the path to entering college and succeeding once enrolled. Students who leave college early report financial reasons as a major factor, and research … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Literacy, Headlines, News | 4 Comments

National Financial Capability Challenge

Today is the first day of the 2011 National Financial Capability Challenge! Check out this video message from Secretary Duncan encouraging high school teachers to sign up their students to participate. See the press release. Read a blog post by … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Literacy | 1 Comment

Empowering Youth, Meeting the Challenge

Cross-posted from the Treasury Notes Blog. As an English teacher in an inner-city Los Angeles community for seven years, I have seen the importance of empowering young people with the skills they need to build a foundation for long-term financial … Continue reading

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A New Partnership to Promote Financial Education and Savings Programs

A new partnership aims to improve financial literacy and savings among low- and moderate-income students and families. Continue reading

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The Future of America: Financial Literacy Education

Aaron Moore, a student who earned a perfect score on the National Financial Capability Challenge, explains the importance of financial literacy education. Continue reading

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Top-Scoring National Financial Capability Challenge Students Ring The Closing Bell® at the NYSE

Students and educators who participated in the National Financial Capability Challenge visited the New York Stock Exchange on April 30 to tour the facility and ring The Closing Bell. The visit was part of the Obama Administration’s ongoing activities during … Continue reading

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Treasury Department and ED Recognize High Scoring Students in National Financial Capability Challenge

Yesterday, Treasury Secretary Geithner and Secretary Duncan recognized high scoring students in the National Financial Capability Challenge in an event at the Treasury Department.  The Challenge is designed to increase the financial knowledge and capability of high school aged youth … Continue reading

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Huffington Post Op-ed: Using Education to Cope With a Complex Economy

Secretary Duncan, Treasury Secretary Geithner, and White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett share results from the National Financial Capability Challenge in this op-ed. Continue reading

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Financial Capability Challenge: Update

Secretary Duncan invites teachers to help high school students take control of their financial futures by participating in the National Financial Capability Challenge. Continue reading

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Administration Officials Promote Enhanced Financial Capability Among America’s Youth

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and ED Secretary Arne Duncan announced the National Financial Capability Challenge. Continue reading

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