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    Contact Us

    Infectious Disease Control Unit
    Mail Code: 1960
    PO BOX 149347 - Austin, TX 78714-9347
    1100 West 49th Street, Suite T801
    Austin, TX 78714

    Phone: 512 776 7676
    Fax: (512) 776-7616


Rabies - Home

image Rabies
ICD-9 071; ICD-10 A82
Related Topics: Oral Rabies Vaccine Programs

   A general description of the rabies virus, its effects, cause and treatment.

   Rabies Cases by County and Year

   Rabies vaccination requirements and vaccination programs in Texas.

   Texas map indicating confirmed rabies cases by type of animal.

   Information about rabies in Texas, including: facts, prevention, vaccination and control. Rabies Prevention in Texas includes sections on:  rabies biologicals; management of biting animals; collection and submission of animal specimens for rabies testing at the DSHS laboratory in Austin; list of and contact information for DSHS-designated laboratories; management of domestic animals exposed to rabid animals; rabies postexposure prophylaxis for humans with a guide for determining if it is necessary, plus a list of and contact information for laboratories that provide RFFIT (rabies titer) testing; preexposure vaccination for humans; adverse reactions, precautions, and contraindications pertaining to rabies vaccine; distribution points for human rabies biologicals; and contact information for the Zoonosis Control Branch and Infectious Disease Control Unit.

   The Oral Rabies Vaccination Programs

   History of rabies in Texas.

   Rabies testing in animals and humans.

   Rabies collection protocols in Texas.


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Last updated July 28, 2011