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Message from the Director

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) supports the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and other federal agencies in strengthening the nation’s research and development enterprise and advancing science education initiatives.

Through strategic partnerships with UT-Battelle/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, other federal agencies, academe and industry, ORISE is bringing leadership to the critical needs in science and education.

ORISE’s foundation is built upon a commitment to performance, quality and integrity.

  • Performance encompasses innovation and growth as integral components that naturally result in a high performing organization.
  • Quality reinforces and renews our commitment as a high performing organization. It gives us that proactive and introspective look that avoids complacency, reduces vulnerabilities and exploits our strengths.
  • Integrity allows us to be known for what we do, not what we say we will do. Integrity bonds us to the mission of serving the public good, allows us to act as a cohesive team and helps us always keep doing the best by each other.

This foundation is helping ORISE succeed in its extensive set of capabilities, which include:

We invite you to browse and learn more about the many ways ORISE supports its customers. So, welcome to ORISE. I look forward to your questions and comments.

Andy Page, director of ORISE


Andy Page (click to enlarge)
Andy Page, director of ORISE