• Montage of Muir's life. Design: Luther Bailey

    John Muir

    National Historic Site California

Fruit Rancher, Family Man, Writer...Father of the National Park Service!

John Muir was many things, inventor, immigrant, botanist, glaciologist, writer, family man, co-founder of the Sierra Club, fruit rancher. But it was John Muir's love of nature, and the preservation of it, that we can thank him for today. Muir's nature writings convinced U.S. presidents to protect Yosemite (including Yosemite Valley), Sequoia, Grand Canyon and Mt. Rainier as National Parks.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

The Vincente Martinez adobe is located here at John Muir NHS. Vincente had a famous father. His name was Ygnacio Martinez. Not only is the town of Martinez named for him, he was the first commandant of the Presidio in San Francisco, and he was also what we would call the 3rd mayor of that city.