Child Care

The State Department has a number of resources available to Foreign Service families looking for child care. Diplotots and the Foreign Service Institute's Children’s Center are frequently used by State Department families. Resources for child care in the Washington, DC area and at post are available below. If you have additional questions, please contact the Family Liaison Office's Education and Youth team – Please note that there is no education allowance available at post or in Washington, DC for child care.

Child Care Resources in Washington

FSI Children's Center – This facility is located in the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) and provides day care for children ages six weeks to five years old.


Diplotots – This facility is located at Columbia Plaza and offers day care for children ages six weeks through kindergarten.


IQ: Information Quest (formerly LifeCare) – IQ: Information Quest is the Department of State's information, resource and referral service for dependent care, personal health and well-being. Contact IQ: Information Quest for child care searches tailored to fit your needs – 1-800-222-0364.


FS Parents – For input from other Foreign Service families about their school choices, join the FS Parent yahoo group sponsored by the Foreign Service Youth Foundation (FSYF). Please contact or to subscribe.

Contact FSI's Overseas Briefing Center for additional information on child care facilities near the Foreign Service Institute.


Child Care Resources at Post

Child Care at Postthe Family Liaison Office publishes an annual Composite Child Care Report which gives a brief description of the resources available post by post. The information is provided by the posts and the report is invaluable for young families considering their next assignment.

Creating a Child Care Facility at Post is a publication for Management Officers, Community Liaison Office Coordinators, and other Foreign Service personnel to guide committees through the process of creating a child care facility. Some posts have child care facilities at post. Check with the Family Liaison Office.

Office of Overseas Schools – provides a listing of at-post schools which may have Pre-K programs available. Please visit their website for Schools by Region (only State Department assisted schools) on the Office Overseas Schools website. In addition, there is also a Worldwide School Search available through the Office of Overseas Schools – this includes all schools that are assisted and not assisted by the State Department.


Other Child Care Resources

Government child care information.

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments – Child care information from the Department of Human Services, Planning, and Public Safety.

Our Kids – Website with links to child care information for Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Bring Your Nanny Home to the United States: For more information contact your post's consular section or US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Adoption: For more information contact the Office of Children's Issues or US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Child Care Subsidy Program for Domestically-Employed DOS Employees: If you meet State's eligibility criteria (see below), your child care costs may be reduced. As a need-based program, the amount you receive depends on your total family income and the amount you pay for child care. To qualify for the subsidy you must:

  • Be a Domestically-Employed Department of State employee (part-time employees are eligible).
  • Have a total family income of $75,000 or less.
  • Place your child in a licensed day care, home care, summer day camp or after-school program.
  • Note: Only available in the U.S. For more information and application procedures, contact HR/ER/WLP at or by calling (202) 663-1688.

U.S. Public Schools Extended Day Program provides a listing of Washington, DC area public school systems and links to Extended Day Programs representative.


Information provided by the Family Liaison Office

Contact the Family Liaison Office


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