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Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS)
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Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS) Handbook

SSNVS Handbook (246 KB) Adobe Reader icon

Table of Contents

SSNVS Front Cover
Contact Information
What is SSNVS and BSO?
System Requirements
SSNVS/BSO Availability
Access to SSNVS
Logging into SSNVS
Submission File Format
Returned File Format
SSN Verification Results
Status and Retrieval Options
Status and Retrieval Results
What to Do If an SSN Fails to Verify
Logging Out
Getting Help
Employer Reporting Information
Maintaining Your Registration Information
Glossary of Terms
Appendix A: Additional Verification Options



To access the SSNVS Help web page, you must be logged into SSNVS. The Help button is in the left hand corner of each SSNVS web page and opens in a new browser window.


You may either speak with or e-mail a Social Security Administration (SSA) representative. To speak with a representative, refer to the Contact Information section. To e-mail a representative:

  • Select the Contact SSA link at the top or bottom of any SSNVS web page. This will open the Contact SSA web page in a new browser window.

  • Select "Social Security Number Verification Service Support Team" from the drop-down menu of the Recipient field.

  • Enter your message in the Message field. Please be as specific as possible, and include:

    • The question or problem,

    • Web page details (e.g., title, URL, etc.),

    • Any error messages received,

    • A telephone number where we may contact you, and

    • Any other relevant information.

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