Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

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FY 2008 Phase II Awards

Institute of Education Sciences FY 2008 Awards

In FY 2008, Small Business Innovation Research program Fast-Track (Phase I and II) awards supported the following projects:

Current Conceptions, Inc.
Pullman, WA
Principal Investigator:
Phillip Senger
Phase I and II "Fast-Track" project: Higher Learning at Higher Speeds: Using Time Compressed Animated Delivery (TCAD)

Empirical Education, Inc.
Palo Alto, CA
Principal Investigator:
Robert Smith
Phase I and II "Fast-Track" project: MeasureResults: A Proposed Tool for Data Driven Decisions in Schools

Molysym, Inc.
Boston, MA
Principal Investigator:
Keith Donaldson
Phase I and II "Fast-Track" project: On-line Learning System to Advance Teaching of Hyper Molecular Modeling

Nimble Assessment Systems, Inc.
Wellesly, MA
Principal Investigator:
Michael Russell
Phase I and II "Fast-Track" project: Universal Assessment System to meet the Needs of Students Who are Deaf or use Braille to Read

One Planet Education, LLC
Scituate, MA
Principal Investigator:
George Newman
Phase I and II "Fast-Track" project: Digital Earth Explorations Project (DEEP)

Select O Sep, LLC
Freeport, OH
Principal Investigator:
Christina Gilpin
Phase I and II "Fast-Track" project: Electronic Chemistry Laboratory Workbook (ECLW)

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)

AbleLink Technologies, Inc.
Colorado Springs, CO
Principal Investigator:
Daniel Davies
Title: ATLAS: An Accessible Testing, Learning, and Assessment System for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

Advanced Medical Electronics Corporation.
Maple Grove, MN
Principal Investigator:
Greg Seifert
Title: Wireless Wrist Device to Alert the Deaf of Sounds and Events in Their Environments

CreateAbility Concepts, Inc.
Indianapolis, IN
Principal Investigator:
Stephen M. Sutter
Title: HearingCompanion: Handheld Portable Sound Identification and Critical Alerting Functionality for People Who Are Deaf or Have Hearing Loss

Life Technologies, LLC
Eugene, OR
Principal Investigator:
Richard Lemoncello
Title: Television Assisted Promotion (TAP): Enhancing Rehabilitation Outcomes with Familiar Technology

Rehabtek, LLC
Wilmette, IL
Principal Investigator:
Yupeng Ren
Title: A Low-Cost Portable/Wearable Device for Intelligent Stretching and Movement Training of Hypertonic Forearm in Stroke with Outcome Evaluation

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Last Modified: 11/12/2008