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Archive for January, 2011

Free Training from MAR in Pittsburgh, PA on March 10, 2011

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Please note that you must register for each of these classes separately!

1.       PubMed Clinics of North America: A Problem-based Approach to PubMed Searching

This workshop will focus on a problem-based approach in learning to search the PubMed database. Through case studies, group exercises and hands-on practice, participants will become more efficient PubMed searchers. The class is geared for intermediate and advanced PubMed searchers. [3 MLA CEUs]


Participants will be able to

  • Search PubMed to locate citations on author, subject or keyword, and institutional searches;
  • Create a search strategy using the strengths of the database;
  • Apply MeSH headings to enhance a search;
  • Become familiar with available tools to update their skills and for lifelong learning.



Thursday, March 10, 2011

9 AM – 12 Noon


Gumberg Library, Room 408

Duquesne University

600 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15282

Duquesne is located near several major bus routes. For those who prefer to drive, parking information is available at:

Registration (for PubMed Clinics class only)

2.       NLM’s Consumer Health Databases

The National Library of Medicine has produced a number of databases designed for the general public. These databases range from health information to environmental conditions that impact health. This hands-on course is designed to be an overview of these databases.


Participants will be able to:

  • Learn about the resources that the National Library of Medicine makes available to consumers;
  • Know how to search each of these resources;
  • Know which resources are best to use for different questions.



Thursday, March 10, 2011

1-4 PM


Gumberg Library, Room 408

Duquesne University

600 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15282

Duquesne is located near several major bus routes. For those who prefer to drive, parking information is available at:

Registration (For NLM Database class only)


Instructor for both classes

Helen Tannenbaum, Outreach and Communications Coordinator

NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region


National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region

Gumberg Library at Duquesne University

Allegheny County Library Association (afternoon class)

New MedlinePlus bookmarks

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

We have received a supply of new bilingual (Spanish/English) MedlinePlus bookmarks. Members may order these bookmarks and other  promotional materials on MAR’s promotional materials page-

REMINDER: February 2 DOCLINE Webinar

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

There is still time to sign up for MAR’s DOCLINE Routing Tables and Reports Webinar:

 DOCLINE Routing Tables and Reports

Wednesday February 9, 2pm-3pm

This course will teach attendees the basics of DOCLINE routing and reports. Topics covered will include DOCLINE routing table best practices, constructing and updating a routing table, and becoming familiar with DOCLINE reports.

 To sign up for a class, e-mail us at rml(at) with the title and date of the class(es) you wish to attend. Please include your name, e-mail address, and mailing address.

Award Report: Buffalo Health Sciences Library

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

Last fall, the University at Buffalo’s Health Sciences Library (UB HSL) exhibited at “The 4th Annual P2 Conference – Creating a Healthy Community”. The P2 Collaborative of Western New York (P2) organized the conference. The P2 membership includes the general community, employers, health care providers, and health plans all working towards their mission to improve the health of people in the Western New York region by empowering the community to responsibility for their health and wellness.

Elaine Dean(left), Ophelia Morey(right)

Elaine Dean(left), Ophelia Morey(right)

Approximately 318 individuals attended this year’s conference over a two-day period representing primarily health care, social services, and community-based organizations. The conference included presentations on health equity, collaborating with diverse and underserved populations, in addition to other health and healthcare related topics.

Elaine Dean(left), Ophelia Morey(right)]

The goals of the exhibit were to increase awareness of health information resources and services available from NLM and UB HSL. We accomplished this by providing print material on MedlinePlus, Pubmed and other NLM resources in addition to MedlinePlus Magazine. We were also able to find out what services participants were interested in receiving from HSL by having them complete a survey for entry into a raffle. Many indicated that they were interested in consumer health exhibits and workshops.

Approximately 100 participants attended our exhibit where we were prepared to offer demos of NLM resources, but the conference format resulted in high traffic during brief breaks thus making online demos difficult. Nevertheless, we were able to answer questions about NLM resources and services provided by UB HSL.

Exhibiting at the conference provided us with information to more effectively plan and participate in other consumer health outreach activities.

Ophelia Morey, MLS
Associate Librarian
Coordinator of Community Outreach Service University at Buffalo Health Sciences Library

Registration Now open: MAR-LI: Advocacy for Leaders, Feb 3 & 4 in Philadelphia

Friday, January 14th, 2011


Please join us at MAR-LI: Advocacy for Leaders

The third in a series of three in-person Leadership Institutes sponsored by NN/LM MAR, Advocacy for Leaders focuses on advocacy in an array of settings and options

February 3 and 4, 2011

College of Physicians

Philadelphia, PA

Due to Elsevier’s generous sponsorship, there is no registration fee to attend this event.


In a time of increased layoffs, budget cuts, unfunded mandates, and decreasing resources it remains essential for institutions to find ways to offer new services, answer increasing demands, renovate facilities, sponsor legislation, create new partnerships, and attract new funding.

Advocacy for Leaders will present techniques that you can use to improve the success of your institution. Join our conversation with a nationally recognized slate of speakers as they discuss their successes and challenges, including their tips and tricks of the trade.

Learn how they harness their passion and create successful advocacy strategies that result in advancing the interests of their organizations.

Here is more detailed information about the agenda

Thursday, February 3, 2010

Listen to a nationally recognized slate of speakers discuss their successes and challenges, including their tips and tricks of the trade. Learn how they harness their passion and create successful advocacy strategies that result in advancing the interests of their organizations.

Friday, February 4, 2010

Participants reconvene in small groups to generate ideas and strategies to apply to their own need(s) for advocacy. Each group will be lead by one of the previous day’s speakers. Discussions will be case based and focus on topics of interest to library leadership: strategies to advocate in support of additional funds, new staff, the creation of a new service in a clinical setting, facility enhancements, contributions to an organization’s strategic initiatives such as EHR, etc.  

Registration information is available here:

Please note – you can register for day 1 OR day 1 AND day 2 – please select appropriately.

Travel & accommodation information is available here:

In addition, the MAR-LI planning committee is able to offer a limited number of participant stipends to persons whose organizations are not able to reimburse travel expenses. In order to be considered for a participant stipend, you must be a member of the New York/New Jersey, Philadelphia or Upstate New York/Ontario Chapter of the Medical Library Association and provide a statement from your Library Director describing your financial need. If you are interested in applying for a stipend, please contact Cristina Pope at 315.464.7086 or

Participants attending both day 1 and day 2 are eligible for 12 hours MLA CE credit. [pending]

To review the full program and learn more about the Middle Atlantic Region Leadership Institutes, please visit:

OR contact a member of the development team: Cristina Pope (315.464.7086, ), Diana Cunningham (914.594.4207,, and Anne Seymour (215.898.4115,

If you have questions about the Advocacy for Leaders or MAR-LI,  please contact Cristina Pope @ 315.464.7086 or e-mail at

About MAR-LI

The MAR Leadership Institute sponsors a combination of in person and online learning seminars to teach business, management, and leadership skills to enhance participants’ ability to advocate for themselves, their organizations and their profession with their institution’s senior leadership, external funding agencies, government bodies, and user groups.

This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM), Middle Atlantic Region through New York University under Contract No. NO1-LM-6-3501 (05-0864).

Additional sponsorship for Advocacy for Leaders is provided by Elsevier.

Project Partners include three chapters of the Medical Library Association: New York – New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Upstate New York and Ontario.

Phrase Searching in PubMed

Friday, January 14th, 2011

From the NLM Technical Bulletin:

 Skill Kit: Searching for Phrases in PubMed®

 When searching for phrases:

 • Search the phrase first without quotes or search tags.

 • Check Search details to see how the search was translated. 

• Use quotes only when your phrase is broken apart.

 Read the complete article here.

News from NLM

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

1.  New NLM Website:

On January 11, 2011, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) released a new design and organization for its Main Web site. The NLM homepage ( has an entirely new design, focused on your top tasks.

 We also updated thousands of pages within the site. They now include site-wide navigation in the header so many of your favorite links should be just a click away. There is also a new “Share” feature so you can send content to your friends, colleagues or yourself via social bookmarking and networking. Plus, we’ve added links to make it easier to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

 We hope you find this new design useful and welcome your feedback via our Contact NLM link.

2.  January NIH News in Health now online:

 The January issue of NIH News in Health (, the monthly newsletter bringing you practical health news and tips based on the latest NIH research, is now available!

3.  Healthy People 2020 Objectives: Now Available for Review and Implementation

 On December 2, 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) unveiled the Nation’s new 10-year goals and objectives for health promotion and disease prevention. The launch, marking the beginning of Healthy People 2020, included remarks from the HHS Assistant Secretary for Health, Dr. Howard K. Koh; HHS Chief Technology Officer, Todd Park; Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Dr. Jonathan Fielding; Associate Dean for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Dr. Shiriki Kumanyika; and many others.

For more details about the initiative and how you can get involved, visit the newly redesigned Healthy People Web site at The Web site allows users to tailor information to their needs and explore evidence-based resources for implementation.

Subscribe to the Healthy People E-mail Updates
Get the latest information about Healthy People 2020. Sign up for the Monthly e-Bulletin or the periodic News You Can Use, which features new tools, events, and resources to help you implement Healthy People.

Connect With Healthy People on LinkedIn

Find other professionals implementing Healthy People, share ideas, and network. Join the Healthy People 2020 LinkedIn group and invite your colleagues to do the same.

Follow Healthy People on Twitter

Stay current with the latest Healthy People information on Twitter; @GoHealthyPeople

Join the Healthy People Consortium
The Consortium is a diverse, motivated group of agencies and organizations that is committed to achieving the goals and objectives of Healthy People 2020.

We look forward to your continued participation. Now the real work begins!

MAR Announces DOCLINE and LinkOut Classes for the Spring

Monday, January 10th, 2011

Join MAR staff and network members for online classes for February and March-all you need is an Internet-connected computer and a telephone. Classes are FREE. We have four classes scheduled so far, with more to come.

To sign up for a class, e-mail us at rml(at) with the title and date of the class(es) you wish to attend. Please include your name, e-mail address, and mailing address.

1. DOCLINE Borrowing and Lending:

Wednesday, February 2, 2pm-3pm

This beginners-level course will teach DOCLINE users the basics of placing borrowing and lending requests in DOCLINE. The course will also cover updating the Institution record.

2. DOCLINE Routing Tables and Reports:

Wednesday February9, 2pm-3pm

This course will teach attendees the basics of DOCLINE routing and reports. Topics covered will include DOCLINE routing table best practices, constructing and updating a routing table, and becoming familiar with DOCLINE reports.

3. DOCLINE Serials Holdings:

Wednesday February 16, 2pm-3pm

This course will focus on the Serial Holdings feature of DOCLINE. Attendees will learn how to add new titles and formats to their library’s record, search DOCLINE for other library’s holdings, and utilize the Serial Holdings reporting functions to make the most of this unique component of DOCLINE.

4. Getting Started with LinkOut:

Wednesday, March 30, 2pm-3pm

LinkOut is a free application that enables your users to connect to full-text via PubMed and other Entrez databases. This course is open to current LinkOut users and those interested in learning more about LinkOut. It will explain what LinkOut is (and is not), how to sign up for the service, entering your library’s holdings in LinkOut, and how to make your library’s icons appear on PubMed citations.

Improvement in Navigating PubMed Results

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

The ability to jump to a specific page in PubMed results will be added to PubMed and other NCBI databases as early as today or tomorrow.

REMINDER: Free PubMed Training in New York City on February 10, 2011

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

FREE Training in New York City, February 10, 2011

Due to high enrollment, a second PubMed® training class has been added in New York City in February.

The National Training Center and Clearinghouse (NTCC), in conjunction with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Middle Atlantic Region (NN/LM MAR) is offering two FREE hands-on classes in two different locations in our region. Registration for all of the classes is available on the NTCC web site at:

The following two classes will be taught in each location by the staff of the NTCC:

New York City

PubMed® (7.5 MLA CE Hours)

Thursday, February 10, 2011 

All the training sessions are FREE and intended for health sciences library staff, public librarians, health professionals, and anyone interested in using these free National Library of Medicine (NLM) databases. 

TO REGISTER for this class, or to look for other class locations, simply click on this registration form link