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African Centre for Integrated Laboratory Training (ACILT) 2012 Calendar of Courses

Updated September 11, 2012

Courses Dates
Jan 2013 Feb 2013 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Early Infant Diagnosis (EID)/Viral Load   13-17       04-08
TB Culture and Identification   03-15** 05-16       16-27          
Malaria   20-24                    
TB smear microscopy       16-20           22-26    
TB Drug Susceptibility Testing 20-31**       14-25              
Strengthening laboratory management towards accreditation* (SLMTA)               20-31        
Biosafety and Infrastructure Development           18-22         26-30  
Line Probe Assay TB                        
National Laboratory Strategic Planning (NLSP)             09-13          
HIV associated cancers (cancer coding)             30/7 - 03/08        
HIV Drug Resistance         07-11              
Logistics Management information Systems                   08-12    
HIV Rapid testing QA               13-17        
Bioengagement Program                     5-7  

Applications for all courses should be routed through the in-country CDC laboratory Director/Advisor (where available).
* Course is available by invitation only.
** The TB Drug Susceptibility Testing course has been moved to January 20th - 31st, 2013 and the TB Culture and Identification course will be held from February 3rd - 15th, 2013.
NHLS training subject to being successful with funding application - Discovery

Facilities required for the courses
EID: PCR laboratories and FELTP Boardroom
TB Culture & Identification: Virology & Mirobiology laboratories. Seminar 2
TOT (Strengthening Lab Management towards Accreditation): Auditorium, Seminar 1 & 2
TB Smear Microscopy: Virology & Microbiology laboratories, Seminar 2
TB Drug Susceptibility Testing: Virology & Mirobiology laboratories, Seminar 2
Biosafety & biosecurity: Virology & Microbiology laboratories, Seminar 2
Malaria: Virology & Mirobiology laboratories, Seminar 2
National Laboratory Strategic Planning: Seminar 2
Line Probe Assay TB: PCR laboratories and FELTP Boardroom
Contact details
Contact/Email Cell Phone Office Phone Fax
Elsie van Schalkwyk (Director)
+27 82 807 5665 +27 11 885 5303 +27 11 885 5330
Alison Coppin
+27 82 940 6195 +27 11 885 5304 +27 11 885 5330
Richard Poxon
+27 82 909 5682 +27 11 885 5306 +27 11 885 5330
Debbie Pretorius
+27 82 940 4769 +27 11 885 5305 +27 11 885 5330

For more information about the Centre or to reserve a place in a course, please contact Elsie van Schalkwyk ( and Ritu Shrivastava ( The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) TTY: (888) 232-6348 -
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