5 Steps for Picking a College

Picking a college can be a daunting task for students and their families. The Obama Administration and the Department of Education are making it easier for students to pick the right school by providing key information on a school’s cost and how much debt the typical graduate has upon leaving a school.

Graduation CapsLast week, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan laid out five easy steps students and their families can take to help pick the right college.

1. Research prospective schools and consider the total cost and student success in the job market and other outcomes. Check out ED’s College Affordability and Transparency Center to get started.

2. Apply to several schools. There are a lot of great options, and your job is to find the highest quality education you can get for the best value.

3. Fill out the FAFSA. Make sure you can get the financial aid you need to be successful. Get started at: studentaid.gov

4. Compare financial aid awards from different schools. Understand how much you will have in grants and scholarships, and determine if loans are necessary. ED’s new “Shopping Sheet” makes this process easy and straightforward.

5. Pick the best school for you. Study hard, get involved and keep focused on your end goals.

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2 Responses to 5 Steps for Picking a College

  1. Soo says:

    What is the ’5 steps for picking a college?’
    It’s been a long time since I attended part time school, I’m planning to go back to school by this coming fall.

  2. Careen says:

    read this!