[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology Program
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(photo) Image of a computer keyboard Distance Learning

In a busy world, Distance Learning supports the pursuit of knowledge whenever it's convenient, wherever an internet connection is available. Challenge yourself with in-depth information, interactive quizzes and fascinating case studies, all at your own learning pace. Enjoy!

Managing Archeological Collections

Investigate the issues and activities involved in preserving and managing archeological collections from the field to the museum and over the long term.Check out the ten sections, each with an extensive bibliography, a page of links to related web sites, and a review quiz. A large glossary of key terms is linked throughout the site.

Archeology for Interpreters

Explore the world of archeology through online activities, illustrated case studies and fun facts to learn about basic archeological methods, techniques and up-to-date interpretations.

Interpretation for Archeologists

Learn methods and philosophies of interpretation for engaging the public’s hearts and minds with archeological resources to encourage people to care about archeology and to develop an ethic of stewardship.

Study Tour of Archeological Interpretation

View interpretation with “fresh eyes” to evaluate choices and strategies for interpreting archeology in parks and historic sites. Download worksheets to assist in evaluating both onsite interpretation and virtual visits.

Assessment of Archeology Interpretation

Use the Interpretive Analysis Model to evaluate the effectiveness of interpretation on the basis of visitor experience at the levels of short-term outcomes, long-term outcomes, and audience feedback. Learn more about the National Park Service Evaluation Strategy.