United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

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Highly Skilled People Are Key to Cyber Defense, Leaders Say

Having the right people in the right places with the right training is the best defense against a real-world attack and the same holds true in the cyber world, commanders told Congress. Story

Air Force Cadets Shine in Cyber Warrior Competition

Air Force cadet cyber warriors recently swept the competition in the 12th annual Cyber Defense Exercise, a network security competition aimed at defending computer networks and maintaining services against simulated intrusions. Story

DOD Needs Industry's Help to Catch Cyber Attacks, Commander Says

The Defense Department needs private-sector cooperation in reporting computer network attacks in real time to stop what has been the “greatest transfer of wealth in history” that U.S. companies lose to foreign hackers, the head of U.S. Cyber Command told a Senate committee today. Story

Intel Leaders Urge Action on Cyber Laws

The threat to U.S.-based computer networks is one of the country’s most pressing security problems, and Congress needs to act on it soon, the director of national intelligence told a congressional panel. Story

Army Activates First-Of-Its-Kind Cyber Brigade

In an event that marked the culmination of years of preparation, the colors of the 780th Military Intelligence Brigade were unfurled for the first time during an activation ceremony at NSA's Friedman Auditorium on Fort Meade, Md. Story

DOD, Industry Address ‘Intense Challenge’ of Cyber Security

The potential capability for cyber mayhem makes cyber security “one of the most intense challenges of our time,” Regina E. Dugan, director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, told hundreds of audience members who gathered for DARPA’s one-day “Cyber Colloquium.” Story

Cyber Defense Requires Teamwork, Agility

The commander of U.S. Cyber Command called for increased collaboration among the government, industry and America’s allies in developing more defensible networks to confront escalating global cyber threats. Story

Cyber Commander Presses for Math, Science Education

Ask the top U.S. cyber warrior how to ensure the next generation of Americans is able to confront future security challenges and he’ll tell you: beef up their math, science and technology education. Story

Doctrine to Establish Rules of Engagement Against Cyber Attacks

New doctrine under review by the Joint Staff will lay out rules of engagement against an attack in cyberspace and will help to define conditions in which the military can go on the offensive against cyber threats, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command said. Story

General Cites Cyber Domain Challenges

Space and cyberspace are growing in strategic importance as other nations increase their capabilities and the frequency of attacks on DOD networks continues to rise, the chief of U.S. Strategic Command said. Story


Speeches and Remarks