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Full Name E-mail Phone Title Team Primary Role(s) and Responsibilities Backup Person
43 Search Results for "Office of Infrastructure Research and Development"
Adams, Michael Thomas 202-493-3025 Research Civil Engineer Bridge and Foundation Engineering Team
  • Manage: Geotechnical Laboratory
  • Conduct research on retaining wall systems
  • Conduct research on construction engineering
  • Conduct research on shallow foundations engineering
  • Act as expert on geology engineering
  • Participate on Bridge of the Future initiative
  • Conduct research on integrated abutment bridge system
  • Conduct research on geosynthetic reinforced soil structures
Backup 1
Nicks, Jennifer E
Backup 2
Beshah, Fassil B
Ardani, Ahmad 202-493-3422 Research Materials Engineer Pavement Materials Team
  • Conduct concrete materials research
Meininger, Richard C (Rick)
Arnold, Terry 202-493-3305 Senior Research Chemist Pavement Materials Team
  • Manage the Chemistry Laboratory
  • Provide asphalt chemistry and technology
  • Understand the performance of modified binders in asphalt mixes
  • Develop rapid test for alkali-silica reactivity
  • Conduct concrete and fly ash chemistry
Youtcheff, Jack
Beshah, Fassil B 202-493-3041 Structures Laboratory Manager Bridge and Foundation Engineering Team
  • Manage: Structures Laboratory
  • Conduct research on high-performance materials
  • Participate in the Bridge of the Future initiative
Adams, Michael Thomas
Boone, Shane 202-493-3064 Nondestructive Evaluation Program and Laboratory Manager Infrastructure Management Team
  • Manage: Nondestructive Evaluation Program and  Laboratory
  • Develop bridge inspection, evaluation, and load rating technologies
  • Conduct research on nondestructive evaluation technologies for bridges and other infrastructure
  • Provide technical advice and perform field investigation of bridge performance using nondestructive evaluation technologies
Ghasemi, Hamid
Bosch, Harold R 202-493-3031 Research Structural Engineer and Aerodynamics Laboratory Manager Hazard Mitigation Team
  • Manage: Aerodynamics Laboratory
  • Conduct research on structural dynamics
  • Perform aerodynamics and wind research
  • Conduct research on wind loads on structures
  • Conduct research on wind-induced vibration of cables
  • Perform computational fluid dynamic flow simulation
Duwadi, Sheila R
Duval, Richard 202-493-3365 Research Civil Engineer Pavement Design and Construction Team
  • Conduct research on infrastructure construction
  • Conduct research on advanced quality systems
  • Conduct research on pavement performance-related specifications
  • Provide statistical quality control
  • Provide quality assurance specifications
Backup 1
Petros, Katherine A
Backup 2
Sherwood, James A
Duwadi, Sheila R 202-493-3106 Team Leader, Hazard Mitigation and Specialty Materials Team Hazard Mitigation Team
  • Manage the Hazard Mitigation and Specialty Materials Team
  • Conduct timber bridge research
  • Conduct research on bridge design
  • Conduct research on bridge and tunnel security
  • Conduct research on advanced wood/fiber-reinforced polymer composites
Bosch, Harold R
Faridazar, Fred 202-493-3076 Highway Research Engineer Pavement Design and Construction Team
  • Provide computer guidelines for portland cement concrete pavement performance prediction
  • Provide long-term behavior of jointed concrete pavement
  • Provide early-age behavior of continuously reinforced concrete pavement
  • Conduct research on lithium technologies to mitigate or prevent alkali-silica reactivity
  • Provide HIgh PERformance Concrete PAVing (HIPERPAV®)
Fitgerald, Cara 202-493-3376 Program Coordinator Program Management
  • Provide program coordination and monitoring
  • Coordinate office management initiatives
Friedland, Ian M 202-493-3023 Assistant Director, Structures Research and Development Program Management
  • Formulate agency-wide and office-wide bridge and structures research goals and objectives
  •  Recommend bridge and structures research and technology policies and short-and long-range strategies
  • Manage the conduct of bridge and structures in-house and contract research, and oversee operation of bridge and structures laboratory facilities
  • Facilitate communication and coordination with other FHWA offices, external partners, and stakeholders
  • Supervise Office of Infrastructure Research and Development bridge and structures staff
  • Assist office director in the management and administration of Office of Infrastructure Research and Development activities
Richter, Cheryl Allen
Ghasemi, Hamid 202-493-3042 Long-Term Bridge Performance Program Manager Infrastructure Management Team
  • Manage the Long-Term Bridge Performance Program
  • Conduct bridge inspection, evaluation, testing, and asset management research
  • Conduct research on structural health monitoring
Backup 1
Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I
Backup 2
Friedland, Ian M
Gibson, Nelson H 202-493-3073 Materials Research Engineer Pavement Materials Team
  • Manage: Bituminous Mixtures Laboratory
  • Conduct research at Accelerated Loading Facility
  • Research asphalt technology
  • Conduct Superpave® modification
  • Research warm mix
  • Conduct performance tests
  • Understand the performance of modified binders in asphalt mixes
Graybeal, Benjamin A (Ben) 202-493-3122 Structural Concrete Research Program Manager Bridge and Foundation Engineering Team
  • Conduct research on high-performance concrete
  • Conduct research on ultra high-performance concrete
  • Perform structural testing
  • Conduct research on concrete structures
  • Participate in Bridge of the Future initiative
  • Develop concrete specifications
Triandafilou, Lou
Griffin, Ginger 202-493-3022 Program Assistant Program Management
  • Provide administrative support for the Office of Infrastructure Research and Development program
Smith, Monique
Jalinoos, Farrokh (Frank) 202-493-3044 Research Structural Engineer Hazard Mitigation Team
  • Perform general bridge engineering research
Duwadi, Sheila R
Jiang, Yan (Jane) 202-493-3149 Highway Research Engineer Long-Term Pavement Performance Team
  • Perform Long-Term Pavement Performance database activities
  • Perform Long-Term Pavement Performance falling weight deflectometer operations
  • Conduct falling weight deflectometer calibration and pooled fund study
  • Provide Long-Term Bridge Performance database management
  • Participate on Transportation Research Board Long-Term Pavement Performance Expert Task Group on operation
  • Participate on the Design Guide Implementation Team
Lopez, Aramis
Kerenyi, Kornel 202-493-3142 Hydraulics Research Program and Laboratory Manager Hazard Mitigation Team
  • Manage: J. Sterling Jones Hydraulics Research Laboratory
  • Conduct research on the hydraulics and hydrology of highway structures
  • Conduct research on bridge scour, pressure flow scour, culvert hydraulics, bottomless culverts, and highway drainage
  • Perform multihazard modeling
Duwadi, Sheila R
Lane, Susan 202-493-3151 Long-Term Bridge Performance Program - Development, Administrative, and Outreach Manager Infrastructure Management Team
  • Manage the development, administrative, and outreach activities for the Long-Term Bridge Performance Program
  • Conduct research for the Long-Term Bridge Performance Program
  • Conduct research on bridge inspection, evaluation, and management
Backup 1
Zobel, Robert
Backup 2
Ghasemi, Hamid
Lopez, Aramis 202-493-3145 Team Leader, Long-Term Pavement Performance Team Long-Term Pavement Performance Team
  • Act as Long-Term Pavement Performance team leader
  • Provide Long-Term Pavement Performance product coordination
  • Conduct Long-Term Pavement Performance daily operations
  • Provide Long-Term Pavement Performance technical support services
  • Provide Long-Term Pavement Performance international coordination
  • Participate on Transportation Research Board Long-Term Pavement Performance Committee
  • Participate on Transportation Research Board Long-Term Pavement Performance Expert Task Groups
Springer, Jack H
Meininger, Richard C (Rick) 202-493-3191 Research Highway Engineer Pavement Materials Team
  • Manage: Concrete Laboratory
  • Conduct concrete materials research, and specifications
  • Conduct portland cement concrete mixture proportioning
  • Conduct aggregate research
  • Rapid test for alkali-silica susceptibility
  • Maintain portland cement concrete thermal coefficient of expansion-test method and data for Long-Term Pavement Performance database
  • Conduct fly ash research
Youtcheff, Jack
Munley, Eric P 202-493-3046 Research Structural Engineer Hazard Mitigation Team
  • Conduct research on fiber-reinforced polymer composites
  • Conduct security assessment and training
  • Conduct research on vessel collision
  • Conduct research on bridge and tunnel security
  • Perform bridge and tunnel vulnerability assessments
Duwadi, Sheila R
Nicks, Jennifer E 202-493-3075 Research Geotechnical Engineer Bridge and Foundation Engineering Team
  • Perform geotechnical engineering studies
  • Conduct research on soil mechanics and soil dynamics analysis and modeling
Adams, Michael Thomas
Ocel, Justin 202-493-3080 Structural Steel Research Program Manager Bridge and Foundation Engineering Team
  • Conduct research on steel structures
  • Conduct research on high-performance steel
  • Develop steel specifications
  • Conduct research on steel fabrication and erection
  • Perform structural testing
  • Participate on Bridge of the Future initiative
Triandafilou, Lou
Pagan-Ortiz, Jorge E 202-493-3021 Director Program Management
  • Provide program direction and guidance for the Office of Infrastructure Research and Development
  • Consolidate research, development, and technology multiyear needs, programs, and budget
  • Advance the National Partnership Initiative
  • Provide development of corporate management strategies
Backup 1
Richter, Cheryl Allen
Backup 2
Friedland, Ian M
Petros, Katherine A 202-493-3154 Team Leader, Pavement Design and Construction Team Pavement Design and Construction Team
  • Act as team leader
  • Conduct research on pavement design and performance modeling
  • Conduct research for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide
  • Conduct research on mechanistic performance prediction models
  • Conduct research on performance-related specifications
Sivaneswaran, Nadarajah (Siva)
Richter, Cheryl Allen 202-493-3070 Assistant Director, Pavements Research and Development Program Management
  • Formulate agency-wide and office-wide pavement research goals and objectives
  • Recommend pavement research and technology policies and short-and long-range strategies
  • Manage the conduct of pavement in-house and contract research, and oversee operation of pavement laboratory facilities
  • Facilitate communication and coordination with other Federal Highway Administration offices, external partners, and stakeholders
  • Supervise Office of Infrastructure Research and Development pavement staff
  • Assist office director in the management and administration of Office of Infrastructure Research and Development activities.
Friedland, Ian M
Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I 202-493-3053 Team Leader, Infrastructure Management Team Infrastructure Management Team
  • Manage the Infrastructure Management Team
  • Provide oversight for Infrastructure Management research laboratories and other facilities
  • Develop and manage the execution of Infrastructure Management Team strategic, tactical, and work plans
  • Conduct research on stewardship and management of existing infrastructure, including bridges
  • Provide expert advice on bridge evaluation
  • Conduct research on infrastructure management systems
  • Conduct research on infrastructure and bridge durability and system preservation
Backup 1
Ghasemi, Hamid
Backup 2
Virmani, Paul
Sherwood, James A 202-493-3150 Highway Research Engineer Pavement Design and Construction Team
  • Conduct research on portland cement concrete pavement design and performance
  • Conduct research on portland cement concrete pavement maintenance and rehabilitation
  • Participate on Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide Implementation Team
  • Conduct research on traffic and loading analysis
  • Conduct research on concrete performance prediction modeling
  • Conduct research on ultra-thin whitetopping
Petros, Katherine A
Sivaneswaran, Nadarajah (Siva) 202-493-3147 Highway Research Engineer Pavement Design and Construction Team
  • Conduct research on pavement performance modeling
  • Conduct research on pavement management systems
  • Conduct research on remaining service life
  • Perform life cycle cost analysis
  • Conduct research on mechanistic analysis of pavement structures
  • Conduct research on performance prediction modeling
  • Conduct construction analysis for pavement rehabilitation strategies development
  • Conduct research on composite pavements
Petros, Katherine A
Sixbey, Dennis G 202-493-3078 Research Materials Engineer Pavement Materials Team
  • Provide laboratory services support
  • Conduct research on surface characteristics
  • Conduct research on portland cement concrete pavement materials
Youtcheff, Jack
Smith, Monique 202-493-3143 Administrative Assistant Program Management
  • Perform administrative support.
Springer, Jack H 202-493-3144 Highway Research Engineer Long-Term Pavement Performance Team
  • Conduct Long-Term Pavement Performance field operations
  • Perform Long-Term Pavement Performance materials testing and seasonal monitoring data
  • Provide Long-Term Pavement Performance distress data collection
  • Provide Long-Term Pavement Performance automated weather stations
  • Manage the Long-Term Pavement Performance Materials Reference Laboratory
  • Act as the Secretary of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' Subcommittee on Materials
  • Provide resilient modulus and material testing
Lopez, Aramis
Triandafilou, Lou 202-493-3059 Team Leader, Bridge and Foundation Engineering Team Bridge and Foundation Engineering Team
  • Manage the Bridge Design and Foundation Engineering Team
  • Conduct high-performance materials research
  • Perform forensic investigations
Backup 1
Adams, Michael Thomas
Backup 2
Beshah, Fassil B
VACANT     Materials Research Engineer Pavement Materials Team
  • Manage: Binder Laboratory
  • Conduct research on warm mix asphalt
  • Conduct research on reclaimed asphalt pavement
Gibson, Nelson H
VACANT     Research Corrosion Engineer Infrastructure Management Team
  • Conduct research on corrosion protection of highway structures
  • Conduct research on corrosion of reinforced concrete bridge elements
  • Conduct material integrity testing for bridges
  • Conduct research on infrastructure durability
Virmani, Paul
VACANT     Research Structural Engineer Hazard Mitigation Team
  • Conduct seismic research
  • Work with bridge seismic instrumentation
  • Conduct research on seismic vulnerability
  • Conduct multihazard analysis of highway structures
  • Participate in international research collaboration in bridge seismic design and retrofitting
Duwadi, Sheila R
Virmani, Paul 202-493-3052 Manager: Coating and Corrosion Program and Laboratory Infrastructure Management Team
  • Conduct research on corrosion protection systems
  • Conduct research on bridge deck durability
  • Conduct research on nondestructive tools for corrosion detection
  • Conduct research on cathodic protection systems
  • Conduct research on corrosion resistant reinforcement
  • Conduct research on corrosion resistant structural steel
  • Conduct research on alkali-silica reactivity
Ghasemi, Hamid
Walker, Deborah M 202-493-3068 Highway Research Engineer Long-Term Pavement Performance Team
  • Conduct Long-Term Pavement Performance traffic activities
  • Provide Long-Term Pavement Performance communications
  • Conduct specific Pavement Studies Traffic Pooled Fund Study
  • Maintain Long-Term Pavement Performance traffic data collection and perform Long-Term Pavement Performance traffic data forecasting and backcasting
  • Participate on Transportation Research Board Expert Task Group on Long-Term Pavement Performance Traffic Documentation
Lopez, Aramis
Weaver, Eric J 202-493-3153 Highway Research Engineer Pavement Design and Construction Team
  • Perform computation resources management
  • Manage Asphalt Research Consortium
  • Conduct research on pavement analysis techniques
  • Conduct research on tire-pavement interaction
  • Conduct research on geosynthetics in pavements
Petros, Katherine A
Wiser, Larry J 202-493-3079 Highway Research Engineer Long-Term Pavement Performance Team
  • Oversee Long-Term Pavement Performance Program Customer Support Service Center
  • Perform Long-Term Pavement Performance data analysis
  • Conduct Long-Term Pavement Performance profile measurement
  • Conduct Long-Term Pavement Performance data studies and computed parameters
  • Conduct Data analysis projects and contracts
  • Participate on the Transportation Research Board Expert Task Group on Long-Term Pavement Performance operation and data analysis
Lopez, Aramis
Youtcheff, Jack 202-493-3090 Team Leader, Pavement Materials Team Pavement Materials Team
  • Lead Pavement Materials Team
  • Conduct research on moisture sensitivity of asphalt
  • Conduct research on fundamental properties of asphalt and modified asphalt
  • Conduct research on asphalt durability
Arnold, Terry
Zobel, Robert 202-493-3024 Long-Term Bridge Performance Program - Development, Administrative, and Outreach Manager Infrastructure Management Team
  • Manage the development, administrative, and outreach activities for the Long-Term Bridge Performance Program
  • Conduct research for the Long-Term Bridge Performance Program
  • Conduct research on bridge inspection, evaluation, and management
Backup 1
Lane, Susan
Backup 2
Ghasemi, Hamid


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