President Obama’s Back-to-School Speech

As students begin their school year, President Barack Obama will deliver his third annual Back-to-School Speech at 1:30 PM EDT on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at Benjamin Banneker Academic High School in Washington, DC.

The President’s Back-to-School Speech is an opportunity to speak directly to students across the country. In past years, President Obama has encouraged students to study hard and take responsibility for their education, urging students to set goals, to believe in themselves, and to be the authors of their own destinies.

Schools across the country can watch the speech live on MSNBC as a special feature of NBC News’ “Education Nation” – part of NBC’s weeklong series of education reports and programming across the network’s shows and platforms beginning September 25. The back-to-school speech will also be streamed live at

For more information, and to view the President’s 2009 and 2010 back-to-school speeches, visit

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