Pacific Southwest Region
California, Nevada and Klamath Basin

Building Partnerships

Partners visiting a restoration site, USFWS Photo/Philip MorrisonIn addition to forming partnerships with private landowners, the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program works with private organizations and local, state, or other Federal government programs. It is common to have multiple partners participating in the same project. Working together allows us to develop and fund larger restoration projects and incorporate our local partners' expertise. Listed below are some of the organizations we have partnered with in the past to support habitat restoration in California.

Private OrganizationsLogos from our partners
Arcata Redwood Company
Audubon California
Boy Scouts of America
California Waterfowl Association
Chico State University Foundation
Ducks Unlimited
Earth Ways Foundation
Fallbrook Land Conservancy
Jacoby Creek Land Trust
Klamath Flycatchers
Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County
Land Trust for Santa Barbara County
Morro Bay National Estuary Program

Morro Coast Audubon Society
National Audubon Society
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Occidental Arts & Ecology Center
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
Peninsula Open Space Trust
Pheasants Forever
PRBO Conservation Science
Putah Creek Council
River Partners
Sonoma Land Trust
The Bay Institute
The Nature Conservancy
The Shrimp Club of Brookside School
Trout Unlimited

Local Government
Castro Valley Unified School District
City of American Canyon
City of Santa Barbara
City of Winters
City of Woodlake
County of Santa Barbara
East Bay Municipal Utilities District
East Bay Regional Park District
Mazama High School
Mendocino County RCD
Monterey County RCD
Palomares Elementary School
San Lorenzo Valley Water District
Solano County RCD
Solano County Water Agency
Sonoma Fish and Wildlife Advisory Board
South Bay Union Elementary School
Southern Sonoma RCD
Tulare County RCD

Tulelake Schools
Tule River Indian Tribe
Western Shasta RCD
Yolo County RCD

State Government
Butte College
California Coastal Commission
California Conservation Corps
California Department of Fish and Game
California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
California Department of Water Resources
California Wildlife Conservation Board
D-Q University
Humboldt State University
University of California, Davis

Federal Government
Army National Guard
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Reclamation
Central Valley Habitat Joint Venture
Farm Service Agency
Intermountain West Joint Venture
National Park Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
USDA Forest Service


Last updated: April 8, 2009