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Archive for January, 2006

New Status Tag for PubMed Citations

Monday, January 30th, 2006

A new status tag, [PubMed - author manuscript in PMC], will appear on PubMed citations for articles that would not normally be cited in PubMed because they are from journals that are a) not indexed for MEDLINE or b) do not participate in PMC.

PDFs or other files to audio on your Ipod

Monday, January 30th, 2006

Interesting article on new software from ScanSoft lets you convert your PDFs to WAV or AIFF and listen to them on the go.

“The Peabody, Mass.-based company didn’t incorporate talking documents into OmniPage just to prove to the world it could, or to entertain ex-SpeechWorks engineers. Strammiello said a group of doctors in one of
ScanSoft’s focus groups—the medical market represents one of the company’s key verticals—asked for the feature.

“They were talking about not having the ability to read information all the time, and wouldn’t it be great if they could listen to it?” Strammiello said. “The genesis of the idea [was making information] more
accessible to them. When we rolled that concept out to a horizontal section of our user base beyond the doctors, we got a real positive response, and that’s what led to rolling RealSpeak [into OmniPage].”

It made sense to OmniPage’s developers that not only doctors would use audio document files, but other user groups as well—such as people who proofread documents by listening to them being read aloud, and visually
impaired people who rely on screen-reader software to read text to them.”,1895,1848678,00.asp

Changes at Virtual Hospital

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

After 13 years of service, on January 1, 2006, Virtual Hospital / Virtual Children’s Hospital, the Internet’s first medical Web sites, ceased operations due to a lack of funding. A great deal of the pediatric information has been moved to a new website was begun at the same time entitled Virtual Pediatric Hospital.

Virtual Pediatric Hospital

NY Hospital Stats Online

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

The NY State Health Department launched a website,, where you can see performance reports for all hospitals in the state. You can even compare hospitals with tools on the site. The big performance indicators are Measure Name Performance

Two New Exhibitions at NLM

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

1. The Horse, A Mirror of Man: Parallels in Early Human and Horse Medicine

2. “Visible Proofs: Forensic Views of the Body”

New Clinical Alert: International HIV/AIDS Trial Finds Continuous Antiretroviral Therapy Superior to Episodic Therapy

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

More details at:

MeSH Video Available on the Web

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

Find more details at:

What is Unicode and how does LocatorPlus Handle Special Characters?

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

A series of articles on Uunicode, non-Roman characters, special charcaters and LocatorPlus are available at:

*FAQ: NLM LocatorPlus — Downloading MARC records that contain non-Roman characters

*FAQ: NLM LocatorPlus — How do I search LocatorPlus using non-Roman characters?

*FAQ: NLM LocatorPlus — How many LocatorPlus records include non-Roman characters

*FAQ: NLM LocatorPlus — Printing, Saving and e-mailing non-Roman characters

*FAQ: NLM LocatorPlus — Viewing non-Roman and Special Characters

*FAQ: NLM LocatorPlus — What is Unicode

*FAQ: NLM LocatorPlus — Why does a hyphen appear after the date in the LocatorPlus results list?

*LocatorPlus — Why does a special character appear in the URL of a LocatorPlus record?

*Locatorplus — Non-Roman Characters

New medical search engine

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

From the New York Times:

“HYPOCHONDRIACS of the world, rejoice: a new Web site,, could make it easier to identify whatever doesn’t ail you.”

This article is about a new medical search engine Healthline grew out of the now defunct site titled Both sites incorporate a database of original medical content and information published by others, and allow users to search using layman’s terms.

New LinkOut Homepage and Help Manual

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

The new LinkOut homepage and the new LinkOut Help manual have been released.

LinkOut Homepage
The new homepage http :// features a “tabbed” format that gathers information for each user group into a separate section, allowing users to quickly locate appropriate information.

The new LinkOut homepage provides an easy to use framework to access LinkOut Help, the help manual for LinkOut. The new homepage also contains frequently updated information, like FAQs and provider and journal lists, links to tutorials, and, for librarians, direct links to tasks in the Library Submission Utility.

LinkOut Help
http :// compiles information about using and participating in LinkOut for all user groups in a single, searchable manual. Users can browse LinkOut Help using the tables of contents or search LinkOut Help for a specific topic. The manual is also available in PDF for easy printing.

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