Klamath Falls Fish and Wildlife Office
Pacific Southwest Region


Ecological Services
Ecosystem Restoration

Sucker Recovery

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Ecological Services

What We Do

The focus of the Ecological Service’s staff of the Klamath Falls Fish and Wildlife Office is to carry out the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's mission in Klamath and Goose Lake Basins.  Our area of responsibility extends to four counties:  Klamath and Lake Counties in south-central Oregon and Modoc and Siskiyou Counties in northern California. We accomplish this by working collaboratively with the Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service to address natural resource issues. Our role is to provide technical and financial assistance to these agencies in the form of Endangered Species Act consultation, watershed assessment and restoration, and technical support with species conservation and recovery.

Species Conservation
We work to conserve sensitive species and the ecosystems on which they depend to ensure viability of species and to minimize or avoid the need for future listings. Where possible, we develop ecosystem conservation plans that preclude the need for new listings. Additionally, once a species like the bald eagle is removed from the Endangered Species List, we continue to monitor the reproductive success of the species to ensure there is not a need for relisting.  Specifically, we are working with a large group of federal, state, tribal and private individuals to conduct post-delisting monitoring on bald eagles locally.

Species Recovery
We work to recover listed species in the Klamath and Goose Lake Basins, with a special focus on species that best represent ecosystems by developing recovery plans and actions that address the full variety of species and habitats within ecosystems. Species of special interest for Klamath Falls Fish and Wildlife Office include, but are not limited to:  shortnose and Lost River suckers, Modoc suckers, bull trout, northern spotted owls, and Applegate’s milk-vetch.

We develop important partnerships with Fish and Wildlife Service, federal, state, tribal, county and private entities to work toward species conservation and recovery. We provide technical and financial assistance to entities in south-central Oregon and northern California. We implement several habitat conservation programs and provide long range planning advice to county and municipal governments. The office supports and searches out opportunities to develop partnerships with private landowners.

Resident Bull Trout
Information Resources
Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Species Lists


Last updated: February 27, 2009