Back-to-School Tour in the News

Back-to-School Tour in the News -- West Virginia

The Education Drives America bus tour recently stopped in Illinois Kentucky and West Virginia. Check out some of the press coverage from the past few days of the Education Drives America back-to-school bus tour.

Lexington, Ky.

Jim Shelton spent two hours at Sayre School to see how this private school is using technology to replace textbooks in many of its classes and Tony Miller visited Picadome Elementary to learn about their work with foreign language instruction. Earlier, Shelton visited the New Franklin School District (Mo.) to see how schools are approaching inquiry-based learning.

Charleston, W.Va.

At Elk Elementary Center, Secretary Duncan toured the school to see the “great things” that West Virginia is doing to improve early learning and access to education and how the community is thinking very broadly about how to improve education.

Welch, W. Va.

Duncan attended town hall where educators outlined strategies to tackle impoverished McDowell County and help troubled schools, including improving literacy, offering housing options for teachers and parenting classes for pregnant teens. At Mount View High School, he heard from students and spoke about seeing their passion, a passion that indicates “they deserve the best.” Read about the “tremendous success” turning around the poorest of schools that the Department witnessed in the area.

Mt. Vernon, Ill.

The bus tour made a stop in Jefferson County to talk about partnerships between education and industry and to tour Rend Lake College and talk with students and staff. Learn about how programs like TRIO and STARS are giving students the resources they need to succeed in college.

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