Sustainability Resources

Many organizations are providing helpful guidance on sustainable practices in historic preservation. These resources include how-to video clips, checklists, and programming to support historic properties. A listing on this page does not indicate endorsement by the National Park Service and views or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of this office.

man caulking around a window frame

For Historic Property Owners

Simple Steps to Working Windows—how-to videos produced by the Michigan Historic Preservation Network and funded, in part, by a Certified Local Government Grant from the National Park Service.These videos are rather comprehensive covering many of the details important to success.

Repairing Sash Cords with Mike Goans—produced by the Kansas Historical Society, this video demonstrates how to repair missing or disfunctional sash cords.

Louisiana's tips for historic property owners—developed by the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office and particularly useful for buildings in warm climates.

Weatherization guide developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

For Historic Districts and Communities

Follow Michigan's lead and create a sustainable jobs training workshop. Beginning in 2009, the Michigan SHPO, the City of Kalamazoo, and the Michigan Historic Preservation Network collaborated to create a program that trains local workers in the business of historic window repair. The initial workshop was funded, in part, by a Certified Local Government Grant (CLG), a program administered by the National Park Service.

Also using CLG funds, the Maryland Historical Trust is currently funding energy audits on a variety of historic residential properties throughout the state with the intention of compiling the individual findings into energy efficiency guidance tailored to Maryland's resources and climate.

Sample historic district design guidelines are available from the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions.

For Federal Agencies

Sustainability and Historic Federal Buildings—published by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation with assistance provided by TPS. This guidance is meant to advise federal agencies in implementing Executive Order 13514: Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance as the requirements relate to historic properties.

The Department of the Interior's Sustainable Building Assessment and Compliance Tool—provides checklists and guidance to assist project managers in complying with the federal Guiding Principles for High Performance and Sustainable Buildings. The guidance includes how to implement the Guiding Principles in historic buildings.

The Whole Building Design Guide was created by a collaboration of several federal agencies. The purpose of the guide is to encourage an integrated and team design approach to the creation of high performance buildings. TPS staff participate in the WBDG Historic Preservation Subcommitee.

Additional resources can be found on the website Greening the Department of the Interior, including links to applicable Executive Orders, OMB guidance, and case studies.