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ISEA Members

What leadership role should Iowa teachers play in their schools and districts? And how should those leadership roles be rewarded? Our newest VIVA Teachers Idea Exchange is open to all members of the Iowa State Education Association. Share your ideas at the VIVA ISEA Teachers Idea Exchange. Your ideas will be delivered to the Association board and, ultimately, shared with the Branstad administration.

Join the VIVA ISEA Teachers Idea Exchange

Teacher Blog Posts

Freeda frontpage

Shouldn’t all teachers be on the same side?

Freeda Pirillis, national board-certified first grade teacher, Chicago Public Schools.

Wade Sutton profile frontpage

NBC Teacher Town Hall, a Meeting of Convergent Volume

by Wade Sutton, 7-12 Grade English Teacher, Minnesota

Brian Graves Strike

Why Don’t I Deserve Respect?

By Brian Graves, Third Grade Teacher, Chicago Public Schools

Teacher Video Posts & Podcast

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3 Easy Steps to
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  • Head to
  • Follow the onscreen instructions to record a video on Common Core, teacher prep, teacher evalution, the school day or any other education policy topic and upload it to your YouTube account.

    Don't have a YouTube account? See "How to Create a YouTube Account"

    Quick Tips
    Recommended video length - 60 seconds or less

    Write content and practice before you record!
  • After the video is finished uploading, grab its URL and paste it in our submission box!

    How to get URL
    1. Press UPLOAD after you have finished recording
    2. Fill in Title & Description information
    3. Press VIEW ON VIDEO PAGE (upper right hand side)
    4. Copy the URL in your browser
    5. Paste it into our submission box!

More from the Blog

Current Events & Policy

No time for fun cropped

What is a Good Teacher?

So much of the chatter in education policy these days is shaped by the goal of getting rid of bad teachers. While that is something we … Read More

Idea Exchange Updates

Huppentha and AZ Charter teacher

How to Successfully Implement Common Core

In a meeting with Arizona Superintendent John Huppenthal and State Board President Jaime Molera, VIVA Teacher Leaders offered their advice … Read More

VIVA in the News

Freeda frontpage

VIVA Teachers leader Freeda Pirillis in the New York Times

Fresh off being featured in our blog, Freeda Pirillis makes it into the New York Times, in quote and image:  “You can continue to … Read More

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