Wanted: Peer Reviewers for Promise Neighborhoods

The Promise Neighborhoods planning grant competition is seeking peer reviewers for its grant competition.

Promise Neighborhoods is intended to significantly improve the educational and developmental outcomes of children in our most distressed communities. Because the challenges faced by communities with high concentrations of poverty are interrelated, Promise Neighborhoods is taking a comprehensive approach designed to ensure that children have access to a continuum of cradle-through-college-to-career solutions, with strong schools at the center that will support academic achievement, healthy development, and college and career success.

Reviewers are sought from various backgrounds and professions: education reform and policy, community and youth development, strategy, and peer review experience.

Reviewers will independently read, score, and provide written comments for grant applications. The application review will be conducted electronically from the reviewer’s location. Reviewers will receive an honorarium.

The deadline is June 1.

If you’re interested, please read the Call for Reviewers to get all the details.

ED Staff

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