Back-to-School Bus Tour Ends on High Note

Secretary Duncan at Virginia Western

Secretary Duncan participated in a town hall at Virginia Western Community College during the last day of ED's back-to-school bus tour across the country. Official Department of Education photo by Joshua Hoover.

On its final day, the Education Drives America bus made stops in Roanoke and Richmond, Va., and a final rally at the Department of Education headquarters in Washington. In Roanoke, Secretary Duncan joined Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education Brenda Dann-Messier for a town hall at Virginia Western Community College, where they announced the new Adult College Completion Toolkit.

Following the town hall, the bus stopped at Henderson Middle School in Richmond,  where he highlighted First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign. Duncan toured the school, visited with local officials, and played basketball with middle and high school students and Virginia Commonwealth University Coach Shaka Smart.

Secretary Duncan talks with students at Henderson Middle School in Richmond, Va. Official Department of Education photo by Joshua Hoover.

Secretary Duncan talks with students at Henderson Middle School in Richmond, Va. Official Department of Education photo by Joshua Hoover.

The Education Drives America bus made its final back-to-school tour stop in Washington on the plaza of the Department’s headquarters. Hundreds of area students, ED staff and community members gathered for remarks by Arne, student performances and a concert by the up-and-coming band Kids These Days.

During the tour’s eight days, we met thousands of dedicated students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members. ED staff left each stop with new ideas on what is working as well as what things aren’t working. The tour gave staff new ideas of how, fresh insight, and a keen understanding that education really does drive America.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks as we reflect on the Education Drives America back-to-school tour or sign up to receive blog updates in your email inbox.

Cameron Brenchley is director of digital engagement and blogged and tweeted his way from coast to coast during ED’s annual back-to-school bus tour.

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One Response to Back-to-School Bus Tour Ends on High Note

  1. Marjorie M. Miller says:

    Your tour – one on one – is so smart to get the feel of education across this great country. I do wish there had been a mention of your visit to Kansas City, MO. I live in Missouri.

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