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MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator) --
Technical Background

EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) is developing the MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES). This new emission modeling system will estimate emissions for on-road and nonroad mobile sources, cover a broad range of pollutants, and allow multiple scale analysis--from fine-scale analysis to national inventory estimation.

This page compiles technical and historical information on the MOVES project.

For further information on MOVES, email mobile@epa.gov.

For updates and news on EPA mobile source emission models, subscribe to the EPA-MOBILENEWS listserver: Subscription Information.

For further information or assistance regarding this web page, contact:
ASD Information Line, phone: (734) 214-4636 or email: asdinfo@epa.gov.

MOVES Demo Software & Documentation

MOVES Highway Vehicle Implementation, Demonstration Version (MOVES Demo) is an update to MOVES2004 and includes the major software features planned for the future MOVES model.   MOVES Demo provides an excellent opportunity for modelers to start learning to use the advanced features of the MOVES model and to provide feedback to us as we continue our work on the MOVES model.

Please note that all of the criteria pollutant emission rates in MOVES Demo are placeholder values and do not represent actual emission rates.  Users may not use MOVES for any submissions for State Implementation Plans (SIPs) or conformity determinations until EPA approves an “official” version of MOVES.  

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Draft MOVES2004 Software & Documentation

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Planning Documentation

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FACA Modeling Workgroup Materials

The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Modeling Workgroup is focused on providing EPA with stakeholder input on MOVES. Materials from recent workgroup meetings are provided below:

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Conference/Workshop Papers and Presentations

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Background Reports

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General Background

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