Contracting Support

Once you’re awarded a contract, you will be eager to fulfill its obligations so that you can obtain additional contracts. SBA provides a variety of resources to make sure you know what is expected of you. These resources include specialized centers as well as staff members whose job is to help you be successful.

  • The following programs provide local in-person counseling and training services for small business owners. Services cover all aspects of starting and running a business, from getting loans and financing to start or expand to ...
  • Commercial Market Representatives (CMRs) are government contracting staff at the SBA who are stationed in area offices. CMRs have the following roles to help you as a small business owner get involved with prime contracts and ...

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She was a great friend at the bank for small business owners who just couldn’t get the hang of accounting.  She even went so far as to...
        Similar to a child losing their precious toy, Katrina Boldry's loss of a 17 year old dog leash was a new beginning...