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Organically Produced Foods: Nutritive Content

Ears of corn.

Special Reference Briefs Series
no. SRB 2000-03

Covers publications from 1945-2000

Continued by SRB 2008-02
[Publications from 2000-2008]

Compiled by: Mary V. Gold
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
Information Research Services Branch
National Agricultural Library
Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture

June 2000

Table of Contents

National Agricultural Library Cataloging Record

Gold, Mary V.
Organically produced foods : nutritive content.
(Special reference briefs ; 2000-03)
1. Natural foods--Composition--Bibliography. 2. Natural foods--Quality--Bibliography. I. Title.
aS21.D27S64 no. 2000-03.
ISSN 1052-5368


This bibliography focuses specifically on the nutritive value of organically produced foods: vitamin and mineral content, as well as related chemical constituents. With the exception of a handful of references to publications that deal with the general relationship of soil qualities and crop composition, each document cited contains at least some information about nutrients found in food as related to organic production. Most items deal with research results; several are overviews of literature or research, or are opinion pieces. Many compare organic foods with those conventionally produced.

Several non-English articles appear in this bibliography. The literature and research reflect the fact that important work pertaining to the nutritional qualities of organically/biologically grown crops is being conducted internationally. The language of an article, if not English, is noted in the citation.

Research on the nutritional qualities of organic food varies widely in focus, methodology, results and scientific validity. Although this bibliography, for the most part, is restricted to references from peer-reviewed sources, no attempt has been made by the bibliography author to judge the credibility of cited research. Evaluation in this regard is left to the reader.

There is a great deal of literature related to other aspects of organically produced foods. For instance, there are many documents pertaining to the appearance and sensory attributes of organic foods, to consumer reactions and perceptions, and to pesticide residue and food contamination issues. These subjects are not addressed here unless dealt with in relation to nutritive content. We hope to compile bibliographies on related topics in the near future. See "Publications" on our web site,, for updates on this and other publications.

The author wishes to thank two people who have, over the past several years, shared their insights, personal reference lists, and enthusiasm for this topic: Joan Dye Gussow, Professor Emeritus of Nutrition and Education at Columbia Teachers College; and Steve Diver, Technical Specialist, Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA), National Center for Appropriate Technology.

Mary V. Gold
Reference Librarian/Information Specialist
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA

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  1. The Quality of Plant Products From Modern and Alternative Methods/Zur Qualitat Pflanzlicher Produkte Aus Modernem Und Alternativem Landbau (Gemuse, Kartoffeln, Getreide: Vortrage Und Diskussionsergebnisse Vom DLG-Expertengesprach Am 8 Und 9 Dezember 1981). Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Landwirtschafts Gesellschaft, 1983. [In German, one article in English]
    NAL Call no. SB319.75.Z8 1981

  2. Soil Conditions and Food Quality, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec: Ecological Agriculture Projects, McGill University, 1991? [A bibliography of key literature up to 1991, 206 references]

  3. Abu, S. and A. Saleha, "Studies on the Effects of Organic vs. Inorganic Form of Nitrogen on the Quality of Okra," Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities
    17, no. 1: pp. 133-134 (1992).
    NAL Call no. S471 I3J6

  4. Alfoldi, T., P. Mader, U. Niggli, E. Spiess, D. Dubois, J.M. Besson, and J. Raupp, "Quality Investigations in the Long-Term DOC-Trial," pp. 34-43 in Quality of Plant Products Grown with Manure Fertilization: Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting (Juva, Finland, July 6-9, 1996). Darmstadt, Germany: Institute for Biodynamic Research, 1996.

  5. Alieva, E.I. and N.T. Trofimova, "Effect of Different Kinds of Organic Fertilizers on Potato Yield and Quality," Agrokhimiia no. 10: pp. 73-76 (1985). [In Russian]
    NAL Call no. 385 AG89

  6. Allaway, W.H., The Effect of Soils and Fertilizers on Human and Animal Nutrition. Washington, D.C: Agricultural Research Service and Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1975. iv, 52p. [Agriculture Information Bulletin #378; Supersedes The Effect of Soils and Fertilizers on the Nutritional Quality of Plants, Agriculture Information Bulletin #299]
    NAL Call no. 1 Ag84Ab no.378

  7. Alvarez, C.E., A.E. Carracedo, E. Iglesias, and M.C. Martinez, "Pineapples Cultivated by Conventional and Organic Methods in a Soil from a Banana Plantation: A Comparative Study of Soil Fertility, Plant Nutrition and Yields," Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 9, no. 2: pp. 161-171 (1993).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 B5

  8. Appledorf, H., W.B. Wheeler, and J.A. Koburger, "Health Foods versus Traditional Foods: A Comparison," Journal of Milk and Food Technology 46, no. 4: pp. 242-244 (1973).
    NAL Call no. 44.8 J824

  9. Arenfalk, O. and L. Hagelskjaer, "The Use of Different Types of Manure in Organic Vegetable Growing," SP Rapport Statens Planteavlsforsog 6, 27p. (1995). [In Danish, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. SB99 D4S67

  10. Arkhipchenko, I.A., "Production and Application of the Microbial Granulated Bamil Fertilizer," Russian Agricultural Sciences 4: pp. 8-12, (1997). [Translated from Doklady Rossiiskoi Akademiii Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Nauk (1996) No 2, 32-34 (Ru)]
    NAL Call no. S1 S68

  11. Arnold, R., "A Comparison of Quality of Liquid Milk Produced by Conventional or Alternative Farming Systems/Vergleichende Qualitatsuntersuchungen Von Konventionell Und Alternative Erzeugter Konsummilch," Archiv Fur Lebensmittel - Hygiene 35, no. 3: pp. 66-69 (1984). [In German, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. 41.8 L49

  12. Asano, J., "Effect of Organic Manures on Quality of Vegetables," Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 18, no. 1: pp. 31-36 (1984). [In English]
    NAL Call no. S19 J3

  13. Auclair, L., J. Zee, A. Karam, and E. Rochat, "Nutritive Value, Organoleptic Quality and Productivity of Greenhouse Tomatoes in Relation to Production Method: Organic - Conventional - Hydroponic," Sciences Des Aliments 15, no. 6: pp. 511-528 (1995). [In French, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. TX341 S34

  14. Bakr, A.A. and R.A. Gawish, "Trials to Reduce Nitrate and Oxalate Content in Some Leafy Vegetables. 2. Interactive Effects of the Manipulating of the Soil Nutrient Supply, Different Blanching Media and Preservation Methods Followed by Cooking Process," Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 73, no. 2: pp. 169-178 (1997).
    NAL Call no. 382 So12

  15. Balode, A., "Effect of Organic Microelement Preparation "Salkub" on the Yield of Sugarbeets," Trudy Latviiskoi Sel'skohoziaistvennoi Akademii no. 212: pp. 62-67 (1983). [In Russian]
    NAL Call no. 106 L352

  16. Bear, F.E., S.J. Toth, and A.L. Prince, "Variation in Mineral Composition of Vegetables," pp. 380-384 in Soil Science Society of America. Proceedings 1948. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America, 1949. [This report is frequently misquoted as evidence supporting the position that organically grown vegetables are significantly superior in minerals and trace elements to conventionally grown vegetables. In fact, the purpose of the study was to compare the mineral composition of vegetables "as one proceeds from south to north and from east to west in the United States." (from the Rutgers Univ. website)]
    NAL Call no. 56.9 SO3

    Available at

  17. Beeson, K.C., "The Soil Factor in Human Nutritional Problems," Nutrition Reviews 7, no. 12: pp. 353-357 (1949).
    NAL Call no. 389.8 N953

  18. Beeson, K.C. and G. Matrone, The Soil Factor in Nutrition: Animal and Human. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1976. 152p. [Volume 2 in the series: Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition]
    NAL Call no. QP141 A1N82 no.2

  19. Beldi, F., "Nutritive Value of Vegetables Grown by Organic Farming Methods/Valore Nutrizionale Degli Ortaggi Ottenuti Con Il Metodo Di Agricoltura Biologica," Bioagricoltura 6, no. 37: pp. 33-34 (1995). [In Italian]

  20. Blanc, D., G. Gilly, J. Leclerc, and J. Causeret, "Long Term Effects of Organic or Mineral Fertilizer Treatment on the Composition of Lettuces and Potatoes," Sciences Des Aliments 4, no. Hors Serie III: pp. 267-272 (1984). [In French, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. TX341 S34

  21. Bonafaccia, G., R. Francisci, K. Ikeda, S. Ikeda, V. Skrabanja, T. Knapp, K. Dolenc, and I. Kreft, "Nutritional and Functional Quality of Buckwheat," pp. 247-249 in Novi Izzivi v Poljedelstvu '96. Zbornik Simpozija/New Challenges in Field Crop Production '96: Proceedings of Symposium. (Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec.9-10 1996). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Agronomy Department, 1996. [In English, summary in Slovenian]
    NAL Call no. IPM970612277

  22. Borghi, B., G. Giordani, M. Corbellini, P. Vaccino, M. Guermandi, and G. Toderi, "Influence of Crop Rotation, Manure and Fertilizers on Bread Making Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L)," European Journal of Agronomy 4, no. 1: pp. 37-45 (1995).
    NAL Call no. SB13.E97

  23. Bourn, D., Organics and Nutrition/Related Issues Reference List. Dunedin, New Zealand: 1994?

    Available at

  24. Bourn, D., "The Nutritional Value of Organically and Conventionally Grown Food - Is There a Difference?," pp. 51-57 in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand, 1994.
    NAL Call no. TX341 N86

  25. Brandt, C.S. and K.C. Beeson, "Influence of Organic Fertilization on Certain Nutritive Constitutents of Crops," Soil Science 71, no. 6: pp. 449-454 (1951).
    NAL Call no. 56.8 So3

  26. Brown, H.D., "Vitamins and Minerals in the Production of Vegetables," pp. 167-177 in Soil, Food and Health, "You Are What You Eat" (Columbus, OH, 1948). J. Forman and O.E. Fink, editors. Columbus, OH: Friends of the Land, 1948. [7th Conference on Conservation, Nutrition, and Health]
    NAL Call no. 279.12 F76

  27. Campbell, J., M. Hauser, and S. Hill, Nutritional Characteristics of Organic, Freshly Stone-Ground Sourdough & Conventional Breads. Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec: Ecological Agriculture Projects/McGill University, 1991. [EAP Publication #35]

    Available at

  28. Chen, H.T., H.Y. Huang, and C.J. Lu, "Effect of Organic Fertilizer and Dolomitic Lime on the Growth and Fruit Quality of Matou Peiyu (Citrus Grandis Osbeck Cv Matou Peiyu)," pp. 69-76 in Proceedings of a Symposium on Enhancing Competitiveness of Fruit Industry (Taichung, Taiwan, Mar.20-21 1997). Y.W. Chen and L.R. Chang, editors. Tatsuen, Taiwan: Taichung District Agricultural Improvement Station, 1997. [In Chinese, summary in English; Special Publication]

  29. Chen, Y.S., "Effects of Slag, Nitrogen and Organic Fertilizers on Yield, Chemical Properties and Eating Quality of Rice Cultivars," Journal of Agricultural Research of China 38, no. 2: pp. 167-178 (1989). [In Chinese, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. 22.5 AG823

  30. Clancy, K., "Research and Policy Issues Related to the Nutritional Quality of Alternatively Produced Foods," pp. 53-57 in Agricultural Production and Nutrition, Proceedings of an International Conference (Boston, MA, Mar.19-21 1997). W. Lockeretz, editor. Medford, MA: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, 1997.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A372 1997

  31. Clancy, K., "The Role of Sustainable Agriculture in Improving the Safety and Quality of the Food Supply," American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 1, no. 1: pp. 11-18 (1986).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A43

  32. Clarke, R.P. and S.B. Merrow, "Nutrient Composition of Tomatoes Homegrown Under Different Cultural Procedures," Ecology of Food and Nutrition 8, no. 1: pp. 37-46 (1979).
    NAL Call no. TX341.E3

  33. Comis, D., "Nitrogen Overload May Shrivel Vitamin Content," Agricultural Research 37, no. 7: pp. 10-11 (1989).
    NAL Call no. 1.98 Ag84

  34. Dahlstedt, L. and J. Dlouhy, "Nitrate in Wheat, Potatoes, Carrots and Tomatoes/Nitrat i Vete, Potatis, Morotter Och Tomater," Var Foda 47, no. 8: pp. 39-41 (1995). [In Swedish]
    NAL Call no. 389.8 V26

  35. Dahlstedt, L. and J. Dlouhy, "Other Nutritional Compounds in Different Foods/Ovriga Naringsamnen i Olika Livsmedel," Var Foda 47, no. 8: pp. 45-51 (1995). [In Swedish]
    NAL Call no. 389.8 V26

  36. Daldy, Y., "Food Production without Artificial Fertilizers," Nature 145, no. 3684: pp. 905-906 (1940).
    NAL Call no. 472 N21

  37. de Caria, F. and L. Martinetti, "Importance of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on the Yield and Quality of Spinach Beet/Importanza Della Concimazione Azotata Sulla Quantita e Qualita Della Bietola Da Coste," Informatore Agrario 53, no. 32: pp. 63-66 (1997). [In Italian]
    NAL Call no. 281.8 IN32

  38. Debaeke, P., T. Aussenac, J.L. Fabre, A. Hilaire, B. Pujol, and L. Thuries, "Grain Nitrogen Content of Winter Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as Related to Crop Management and to the Previous Crop," European Journal of Agronomy 5, no. 3/4: pp. 273-286 (1996).
    NAL Call no. SB13.E97

  39. DeEll, J.R. and R.K. Prange, "Postharvest Physiological Disorders, Diseases and Mineral Concentrations of Organically and Conventionally Grown McIntosh and Cortland Apples," Canadian Journal of Plant Science/Revue Canadienne De Phytotechnie 73, no. 1: pp. 223-230 (1993).
    NAL Call no. 450 C16

  40. Diver, S., Nutritional Quality of Organically Grown Food. Fayetteville, AR: Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA), revised 2002.

  41. Divis, J. and J. Vodicka, "The Yield and Quality of Potatoes Grown Conventionally and on a Biofarm/Vynos a Kvalita Hliz v Konvencnim a Ekologickem Zpusobu Pestovani Brambor," Sbornik Jihoceska Univerzita Zemedelska Fakulta, Ceske Budejovice Fytotechnicka Rada 15, no. 1: pp. 71-80 (1998). [In Czech, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. SB13 S26

  42. Dlouhy, J., "The Quality of Plant Products Under Conventional and Bio-Dynamic Management," Bio-Dynamics no. 124: pp. 28-32 (1977).
    NAL Call no. 58.8 B52

  43. Eggert, F.P., "Effect of Soil Management Practices on Yield and Foliar Nutrient Concentration of Dry Beans, Carrots, and Tomatoes," pp. 247-259 in Environmentally Sound Agriculture: Selected Papers, 4th Conference, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (Cambridge, MA, Aug.-20 1982). W. Lockeretz, editor. New York: Praeger, 1983.
    NAL Call no. S604.5 E58

  44. Eggert, F.P. and C.L. Kahrmann, "Response of Three Vegetable Crops to Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources," ASA American Society of Agronomy - Special Publication no. 46: pp. 97-109 (1984).
    NAL Call no. 64.9 AM3

  45. Ehrenbergerova, J., K. Vaculova, and J. Zimolka, "Grain Quality of Hull-Less Spring Barley from Different Cropping Systems/Jakost Zrna Bezplucheho Jarniho Jecmene Zodlisnych Zpusobu Pestovani," Rostlinna Vyroba 43, no. 12: pp. 585-592 (1997). [In Czech, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. 64.9 C33

  46. El Sheikh, E.A.E. and A.A. El Zidany, "Effect of Rhizobium Inoculation, Organic and Chemical Fertilizers on Proximate Composition, in Vitro Protein Digestibility, Tannin and Sulphur Content of Faba Beans," Food Chemistry 59, no. 1: pp. 41-45 (1997).
    NAL Call no. TX501 F6

  47. El Sheikh, E.A.E. and A.A. El Zidany, "Effects of Rhizobium Inoculation, Organic and Chemical Fertilizers on Yield and Physical Properties of Faba Bean Seeds," Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 51, no. 2: pp. 137-144 (1997).
    NAL Call no. TX341.P53

  48. Eppendorfer, W.H., B.O. Eggum, and S.W. Bille, "Nutritive Value of Potato Crude Protein as Influenced by Manuring and Amino Acid Composition Rat Feeding Experiments," Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 30, no. 4: pp. 361-368 (1979).
    NAL Call no. 382 SO12

  49. European Society for Agronomy (Colmar, France), "Influence of Type of Soil and Fertilization on Quality of Potato Tubers for Industrial Processing," pp. 586-587 in Third Congress of the European Society for Agronomy: Proceedings. (Padova University, Abano-Padova, Italy, Sept.18-22 1994). M. Borin and M. Sattin, editors. Colmar, France: European Society for Agronomy, 1994.
    NAL Call no. SB183.2 E97 1994

  50. Evers, A.M., "Effects of Different Fertilization Practices on the Carotene Content of Carrot," Journal of Agricultural Science in Finland 61, no. 1: pp. 7-14 (1989).
    NAL Call no. S16 F5J68

  51. Finesilver, T., Comparison of Food Quality of Organically versus Conventionally Grown Plant Foods. Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec: Ecological Agriculture Projects, McGill University, 1989. [In collaboration with Prof Timothy Johns and Prof Stuart B Hill; EAP Publication #38]

    Available at

  52. Fischer, A. and C. Richter, "Influence of Organic and Mineral Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Potatoes," pp. 236-248 in The Importance of Biological Agriculture in a World of Diminishing Resources. Proceedings of the 5th IFOAM International Scientific Conference (University of Kassel, Germany, Aug.27-30 1984). H. Vogtmann, E. Boehncke and I. Fricke, editors. Witzenhausen: Verlagsgruppe Witzenhausen, 1986.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 I45 1984

  53. Fisher, C., "The Influence of Contrasting Systems of Husbandry on Soil Fertility and the Nutritional Status of Staple Foods," Journal of Applied Nutrition 28, no. 3/4: pp. 27-37 (1976).
    NAL Call no. 389.8 AM35

  54. Fredriksson, H., L. Salomonsson, and A.C. Salomonsson, "Wheat Cultivated with Organic Fertilizers and Urea: Baking Performance and Dough Properties," Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science 47, no. 1: pp. 35-42 (1997).
    NAL Call no. S3 A272

  55. Gajewska, R., M. Nabrzyski, Z. Ganowiak, and D. Kucharska, "Evaluation of the Health Properties of Goat Milk/Ocena Jakosci Zdrowotnej Mleka Koziego," Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny 47, no. 3: pp. 295-301 (1996). [In Polish]
    NAL Call no. 449.9 W26

  56. Gooding, M.J., N.D. Cannon, A.J. Thompson, and W.P. Davies, "Quality and Value of Organic Grain from Contrasting Breadmaking Wheat Varieties and Near Isogenic Lines Differing in Dwarfing Genes," Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 16, no. 4: pp. 335-350 (1999).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 B5

  57. Granstedt, A.G., L. Kjellenberg, and J. Raupp, "Quality Investigations with the K-Trial, Jarna, and Other Scandinavian Fertilization Experiments," pp. 3-12 in Quality of Plant Products Grown with Manure Fertilization: Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting (Juva, Finland, July 6-9 1996). Darmstadt; Germany: Institute for Biodynamic Research, 1996.

  58. Granstedt, A. and L. Kjellenberg, "Long-Term Field Experiment in Sweden: Effects on Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Soil Fertility and Crop Quality," pp. 79-90 in Agricultural Production and Nutrition, Proceedings of an International Conference (Boston, MA, Mar.19-21 1997). W. Lockeretz, editor. Medford, MA: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, 1997.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A372 1997

  59. Guinot, T.P., C. Jondreville, and F. Laurent, "Comparison of Milk from Farms with Biological, Conventional and Transitional Feeding," Milchwissenschaft 46, no. 12: pp. 779-782 (1991). [In English, summary in German]
    NAL Call no. 44.8 M5933

  60. Gussow, J.D., "Is Organic Food More Nutritious? And Is That the Right Question?," Organic Farming Research Foundation Information Bulletin no. 3: pp. 1,10 (1996).

  61. Gutierrez, F., T. Arnaud, and M.A. Albi, "Influence of Ecological Cultivation on Virgin Olive Oil Quality," Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 76, no. 5: pp. 617-621 (1999).
    NAL Call no. 307.8 J82

  62. Hagel, I., "The Potassium to Sodium Ratio in Demeter Carrots from Biodynamic Cultivation/Zum Kalium-Natrium-Verhaeltnis in Demeter-Moehren," Lebendige Erde 47, no. 2: pp. 103-109 (1995). [In German]
    NAL Call no. 18 L49

  63. Hamouz, K., J. Cepl, B. Vokal, and J. Lachman, "Influence of Locality and Way of Cultivation on the Nitrate and Glycoalkaloid Content in Potato Tubers," Rostlinna Vyroba 45, no. 11: pp. 495-501 (1999). [In English, summary in Czech]
    NAL Call no. 64.9 C33

  64. Hamouz, K., J. Lachman, B. Vokal, and V. Pivec, "Influence of Environmental Conditions and Way of Cultivation on the Polyphenol and Ascorbic Acid Content in Potato Tubers," Rostlinna Vyroba 45, no. 7: pp. 293-298 (1999). [In English, summary in Czech]
    NAL Call no. 64.9 C33

  65. Hansen, H., "Comparison of Chemical Composition and Taste of Biodynamically and Conventionally Grown Vegetables," Qualitas Plantarum - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 30, no. 3/4: pp. 203-211 (1980).
    NAL Call no. 64.8 M41

  66. Hartmann, R. and P.H. Buning, "NIR-Spectrometric Quality Assurance of Organically Grown Potatoes/NIR-Spektrometrische Qualitatssicherung Bei Kartoffeln Aus Organischem Landbau," pp. 598-603 in Contributions to the 4th Scientific Meeting on Ecological Agriculture (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms, Universitat Bonn., Mar.3-4 1997). Bonn, Germany: Institut fur Organischen Landbau, 1997. [In German]

  67. Haynes, L., "Concerning the Quality of Food," pp. 316-323 in Organic Agriculture, a Key to a Sound Development and a Sustainable Environment. Proceedings of the 9th IFOAM Conference (Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nov.16 1992). U. Kopke and D.G. Schulz, editors. Tholey-Theley, Germany: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), 1992.

  68. Heinze, H., "Biological-Dynamic Agriculture and Human Nutrition /Biologisch-Dynamischer Anbau Und Volksernahrung," Lebendige Erde 3, pp. 89-91 (1977). [In German]
    NAL Call no. 18 L49

  69. Hogstad, S., E. Risvik, and K. Steinsholt, "Sensory Quality and Chemical Composition in Carrots: A Multivariate Study," Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science 47, no. 4: pp. 253-264 (1997).
    NAL Call no. S3 A272

  70. Honeycutt, C.W., "Crop Rotation Impacts on Potato Protein," Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 52, no. 4: pp. 279-291 (1998).
    NAL Call no. TX341.P53

  71. Honikel, K.O., "Quality of Organically Produced Foods of Animal Origin/Qualitat Okologisch Erzeugter Lebensmittel Tierischer Herkunft," DTW: Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 105, no. 8: pp. 327-329 (1998). [In German, summary in English; Special Issue]
    NAL Call no. 41.8 D482

  72. Horita, H., "The Comparison of the Quality of Organically and Conventionally Grown Agricultural Products," Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology 46, no. 6: pp. 428-435 (1999). [In Japanese]
    NAL Call no. 388 J822

  73. Hornick, S.B. and J.F. Parr, "Effect of Fertilizer Practices on the Nutritional Quality of Crops," pp. 244-254 in Agricultural Alternatives and Nutritional Self-Sufficiency for a Sustainable Agricultural System that Respects Man and His Environment. Proceedings of the IFOAM Seventh Int Scientific Conference (Ouagadougou, January 2-5, 1989). Witzenhausen?: Ekopan, 1990.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 I45 1989

  74. Hornick, S., "Factors Affecting the Nutritional Quality of Crops," American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 7, no. 1/2: pp. 63-68 (1992).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A43

  75. Howard, A. Sir (with the assistance of Louise E. Howard), Farming and Gardening for Health or Disease. London: Faber and Faber, 1945. 282p. [New York, 1947 edition is titled: The Soil and Health; Farming & Gardening for Health or Disease]
    NAL Call no. 56.6 H83F

  76. Howard, A. Sir (with the assistance of Louise E. Howard), The Soil and Health: a Study of Organic Agriculture. New York: Devin Adair Company, 1947. xii, 307p. [London, 1945 edition is titled: Farming and Gardening for Health or Disease]
    NAL Call no. 56.6 H83S

  77. Ishii, T. and H. Aikoh, "A Comparison of Agricultural Products Cultured by Natural and Chemical Fertilizer Farmings in Okayama Prefecture Onion, Tomato, Water-Melon, Rice, Organically Grown, Japan," Shizen Noho Kenkyu Kinen Ronbunshu/Studies on Natural Farming, Memorial Issue Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Founding the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, June, 1981, pp. 145-154 (1981). [In Japanese, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. S605.5 S5

  78. Jablonska, C.R., "Effects of Irrigation, Manuring with FYM, Mineral Fertilizers and Green Manure Crops on the Nutritional Value of Late Head Cabbage and Celeriac/Wplyw Nawadniania, Nawozenia Obornikiem, Nawozenia Mineralnego Oraz Uprawy Po Poplonach Na Wartosc Odzywcza Kapusty Bialej Poznej i Selera Korzeniowego," Biuletyn Warzywniczy 25, pp. 109-124 (1981). [In Polish, summaries in English and Russian]
    NAL Call no. 80 B54

  79. Johnson, E.H., "Organic Foods: Are They More Nutritious?," Plants and Gardens 31, no. 1: pp. 36-40 (1975).
    NAL Call no. 450 P694

  80. Jukes, T.H., "Organic Farming and the Organic Food Concept," Feedstuffs 53, no. 15: pp. 26-29 ( Apr 13, 1981).
    NAL Call no. 286.81 F322

  81. Jukes, T.H., "Organic Food," CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 9, no. 4: pp. 395-418 (1977).
    NAL Call no. TP368 C7

  82. Kanamori, M., "Studies on Dietary Fiber in Natural Foods and Nutrition: Organic Farming Products," Shizen Noho Kenkyu Kinen Ronbunshu = Studies on Natural Farming, Memorial Issue Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Founding the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, June, 1981, pp. 443-456 (1981). [In Japanese, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. S605.5 S5

  83. Knorr, D., "Feasibility of Analytical Procedures and Unit Operations for the Distinction Between Organic, Natural or Conventional Foods," Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 2, no. 2: pp. 183-194 (1984).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 B5

  84. Knorr, D., "Quality of Ecologically Grown Food," Lebensmittel Wissenschaft + Technologie/Food Science + Technology 12, no. 6: pp. 350-356 (1979). [In English; includes literature review]
    NAL Call no. TP368 L4

  85. Knorr, D. and H. Vogtmann, "Quality and Quality Determination of Ecologically Grown Foods," pp. 352-381 in Sustainable Food Systems, Dietrich Knorr, editor. Westport, CT: AVI Publishing, 1983.
    NAL Call# TP370.5.S94

  86. Knorr, D., "Natural and Organic Foods: Definitions, Quality, and Problems," Cereal Foods World 27, no. 4: pp. 163-168 (1982).
    NAL Call no. 59.8 C333

  87. Knorr, D., "Use of a Circular Chromatographic Method for the Distinction of Collard Plants Grown Under Different Fertilizing Condition," Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 1, no. 1: pp. 29-38 (1982).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 B5

  88. Kobayasi, K., K. Kanetsuki, and T. Imaki, "The Effect of Organic Agriculture on the Nutritive Value of Tomato and Green Pepper," Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University 1, pp. 29-33 (1996). [In English, summary in Japanese]

  89. Kopp, H.J., "Research on Organically versus Conventionally Grown Vegetables," pp. 324-330 in Organic Agriculture, a Key to a Sound Development and a Sustainable Environment. Proceedings of the 9th IFOAM Conference (Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nov.16 1992). U. Kopke and D.G. Schulz, editors. Tholey-Theley, Germany: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), 1992.

  90. Lairon, D., N. Spitz, E. Termine, P. Ribaud, H. Lafont, and J.C. Hauton, "Effect of Organic and Mineral Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Nutritive Value of Butterhead Lettuce," Qualitas Plantarum - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 34, no. 2: pp. 97-108 (1984).
    NAL Call no. 64.8 M41

  91. Lairon, D., E. Termine, S. Gautier, M. Trouilloud, H. Lafont, and J.C. Hauton, "Effects of Organic and Mineral Fertilizations on the Contents of Vegetables in Minerals Vitamin C and Nitrates," pp. 249-260 in The Importance of Biological Agriculture in a World of Diminishing Resources: Proceedings of the 5th IFOAM International Scientific Conference (University of Kassel, Germany, Aug.27-30 1984). H. Vogtmann, E. Boehncke and I. Fricke, editors. Witzenhausen: Verlagsgruppe Witzenhausen, 1986.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 I45 1984

  92. Lampkin, N., "The Wider Issues: The Quality of Organically Produced Foods (with References)," pp. 557-573; 608-610 in Organic Farming., by N. Lampkin. Ipswich, UK: Farming Press, 1990.
    NAL Call# S605.5 L35 1990

  93. Larkin, M., "Organic Foods Get Government "Blessing" Despite Claims That Aren't Kosher," Nutrition Forum 8, no. 4: pp. 25-29 (1991).
    NAL Call no. TX341 N877

  94. Lecerf, J.M., "Biological Agriculture: Interest for Human Nutrition/L'Agriculture Biologique Interet En Nutrition Humaine?," Cahiers De Nutrition Et De Dietetique 30, no. 6: pp. 349-357 (1995). [In French, summary in English]

  95. Leclerc, J., M.L. Miller, E. Joliet, and G. Rocquelin, "Vitamin and Mineral Contents of Carrot and Celeriac Grown Under Mineral or Organic Fertilization," Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 7, no. 4: pp. 339-348 (1991).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 B5

  96. Lenartowicz, W., "The Effect of Manuring on the Chemical Composition of Strawberries. Part I. The Effect of Manuring on Fruit Content of Mineral Compounds/Wplyw Nawozenia Na Sklad Chemiczny Owocow Truskawek Czesc I. Wplyw Nawozenia Na Zawartosc Zwiazkow Mineralnych w Owocach Truskawek," Prace Instytutu Sadownictwa w Skierniewicachno. 15: pp. 197-209 (1971). [In Polish, summaries in English and Russian]
    NAL Call no. SB354.P67

  97. Lenartowicz, W., "The Influence of Fertilization on the Quality of Small Fruits. Part II: The Influence of Mineral and Organic Fertilization on the Content of Organic Substances in Gooseberry Fruits," Fruit Science Reports 9, no. 4: pp. 171-186 (1982).
    NAL Call no. SB354.F72

  98. Leuzzi, U., G. Cimino, and G. Dugo, "Determination by Means of Ionic Chromatography of the Anions Present in Vegetables Produced Organically/ Determinazione Mediante Cromatografia Ionica Degli Anioni Presenti in Ortaggi Prodotti Con Metodo Biologico," Rivista Di Scienza Dell'Alimentazione 25, no. 4: pp. 349-355 (1996). [In Italian, summary in English]

  99. Lewis, J.L., "Are Organically-Grown Vegetables Nutritionally Better?," p. 60 in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia Seventeenth Annual Conference (Perth, W.A. Dec.14 1992). N.D. Costa, editor. The Society, 1992. [Summary only]
    NAL Call no. QP141 A1N83

  100. Lind, P., J.E. Hermansen, A. Norgaard, L. Poulsen, J.C. Bindslev, P.S. Skov, U. Minuva, K. Ebbesen, B. Weeke, J.S. Nielsen, and H. Werner, "Characteristics of Organically-Produced Milk/Karakterisering Af Okologisk Produceret Maelk," Forsogsrapport Statens Mejeriforsog 41, p.50 pp (1990). [In Danish, summary in English]

  101. Lindeberg, J. and A. Hessel, "Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) in Potatoes/Vitamin C (Askorbinsyra) i Potatis," Var Foda 47, no. 8: pp. 42-44 (1995). [In Swedish]
    NAL Call no. 389.8 V26

  102. Lindner, M.C., "A Review of the Evidence for Food Quality Differences in Relation to Fertilization of the Soil with Organic and Mineral Fertlilzers," Bio-Dynamics no. 107: pp. 1-12 (1973).
    NAL Call no. 58.8 B52

  103. Lindner, U., "Alternative Cultivation - an Alternative in Commercial Vegetable Growing?/Alternativer Anbau - Alternative Im Erwerbsgemusebau?," Gemuse 21, no. 10; 11: pp. 384-386, 388; 412-418 (1985). [In German]
    NAL Call no. SB320 G4

  104. Lockeretz, W. and Tufts University, School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Agricultural Production and Nutrition. Medford, MA: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, 1997. vi, 213p. [Proceedings of an International Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 19-21, 1997]
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A372 1997

  105. Lucarini, M., M. Carbonaro, S. Nicoli, A. Aguzzi, M. Cappelloni, S. Ruggeri, G. di Lullo, L. Gambelli, and E. Carnovale, "Endogenous Markers for Organic versus Conventional Plant Products," pp. 306-310 in Agri-Food Quality II: Quality Management of Fruits and Vegetables - from Field to Table (Turku, Finland, Apr.22-25 1998). M. Hagg, R. Ahvenainen, A.M. Evers, and K.A.D. Tiilikkala, editors. Cambridge; UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999.
    NAL Call no. QP141 I58 1998

  106. Lund, P., "Characterization of Alternatively Produced Milk," Milchwissenschaft 46, no. 3: pp. 166-169 (1991). [In English, summary in German]
    NAL Call no. 44.8 M5933

  107. Mader, P., L. Pfiffner, U. Niggli, K. Plochberger, A. Velimirov, L. Boltzmann, U. Balzer, F. Balzer, J.M. Besson, and C. Gysi, "Effect of Three Farming Systems (Bio-Dynamic, Bio-Organic, Conventional) on Yield and Quality of Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris L Var Esculenta L) in a Seven Year Crop Rotation," Acta Horticulturae 339, pp. 11-31 (1993). [Workshop on ecological aspects of vegetable fertilization in integrated crop production in the field, Wadenswil, Switzerland, Sept. 7-11 1992]
    NAL Call no. 80 Ac82

  108. Maga, J.A., "Organically Grown Foods," pp. 305-351 in Sustainable Food Systems, D. Knorr, editor. Westport, CT: AVI Publishing, 1983.
    NAL Call# TP370.5.S94

  109. Maga, J.A., F.D. Moore, and N. Oshima, "Yield, Nitrate Levels and Sensory Properties of Spinach as Influenced by Organic and Mineral Nitrogen Fertiliser Levels," Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 27, no. 2: pp. 109-114 (1976).
    NAL Call no. 382 SO12

  110. Manss, H. and F. Manss, "Reducing the Nitrate Concentration of Root Vegetables," Gemuse Munchen 25, no. 8: pp. 377-379 (1989).

  111. Matallana, G.C., C. Hurtado, and T.J. Martinez, "Study of Water-Soluble Vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine and Ascorbic Acid) in Ecologically-Grown Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa L)/Estudio Del Contenido De Vitaminas Hidrosolubles (B1, B2, B6 y C) En Lechuga (Lactuca Sativa L) Procedente De Cultivo Ecologico," Alimentaria 35, no. 293: pp. 39-43 (1998). [In Spanish, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. TP368.A42

  112. Maurya, K.R. and N.R. Dhar, "Effect of Different Composts on Yield and Composition of Chilli (Capsicum Annuum L)," Anales De Edafologia y Agrobiologia 42, no. 1-2: pp. 183-191 (1983). [In English]
    NAL Call no. 506 SP12

  113. Mayer, A.M., "Historical Changes in the Mineral Content of Fruits and Vegetables: A Cause for Concern?," pp. 69-77 in Agricultural Production and Nutrition, Proceedings of an International Conference (Boston, MA, Mar.19-21 1997). W. Lockeretz, editor. Medford, MA: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, 1997.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A372 1997

  114. Mazur, T. and H. Julkowski, "The Effect of Organic and Mineral Fertilizers on the Yield and Quality of Two Potato Cultivars Grown on Light Soil/Wplyw Nawozenia Organicznego i Mineralnego Na Plonowanie i Cechy Jakosciowe Dwoch Odmian Ziemniakow Uprawianych Na Glebie Lekkiej," Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczo Technicznej w Olsztynie, Rolnictwo 34, pp. 187-194 (1982). [In Polish, summaries in English and Russian]
    NAL Call no. 20.5 OL8

  115. McCarrison, R. and B. Viswanath, "The Effect of Manurial Conditions on the Nutritive and Vitamin Values of Millet and Wheat," Indian Journal of Medical Research 14, pp. 351-378 (1926).
    NAL Call no. 448.8 In22

  116. McSheehy, T.W., "Nutritive Value of Wheat Grown Under Organic and Chemical Systems of Farming," Qualitas Plantarum - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 27, no. 2: pp. 113-123 (1977).
    NAL Call no. 64.8 M41

  117. McSheehy, T.W., "Reproductive Performance of Rabbits on Organic and Inorganic Leys," Qualitas Plantarum - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 25, no. 2: pp. 193-203 (1975).
    NAL Call no. 64.8 M41

  118. Meier Ploeger, A., R. Duden, and H. Vogtmann, "Quality of Food Plants Grown with Compost from Biogenic Waste," Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 27, no. 1/4: pp. 483-491 (1989). [Proceedings of an International Symposium on Agricultural Ecology and Environment held April 5-7, 1988, Padova, Italy]
    NAL Call no. S601 A34

  119. Mercadante, A.Z. and D.B. Rodriguez Amaya, "Carotenoid Composition of a Leafy Vegetable in Relation to Some Agricultural Variables," Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry 39, no. 6: pp. 1094-1097 (1991).
    NAL Call no. 381 J8223

  120. Montagu, K.D. and K.M. Goh, "Effects of Forms and Rates of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilisers on the Yield and Some Quality Indices of Tomatoes (Lycopersicon Esculentum Miller)," New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 18, no. 1: pp. 31-37 (1990).
    NAL Call no. SB99 N45N45

  121. Mozafar, A., "Enrichment of Some B-Vitamins in Plants with Application of Organic Fertilizers," Plant and Soil 167, no. 2: pp. 305-311 (1994).
    NAL Call no. 450 P696

  122. Mozafar, A., "Organic Fertilizers and the Content of B Vitamins in Plants/Organische Dungung Und Gehalt an B-Vitaminen in Pflanzen," Agrarforschung 1, no. 8: pp. 357-360 (1994). [In German, summaries in English and French]
    NAL Call no. S469 S9A37

  123. Mozafar, A., "Organic Fertilizers May Increase Some Plant Vitamins," pp. 656-666 in Transactions. 15th World Congress of Soil Science (Acapulco, Mexico, July10-16 1994). Chapingo; Mexico: Sociedad Mexicana de la Ciencia del Suelo, 1994.
    NAL Call no. S590.2 W67 1994

  124. Mozafar, A., Plant Vitamins: Agronomic, Physiological, and Nutritional Aspects. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1994. x, 412p.
    NAL Call no. QK898 V5M63 1994

  125. Neuhoff, D., D.G. Schulz, and U. Kopke, "Yield and Quality of Potato Tubers: Effects of Different Intensity and Kind of Manuring (Biodynamic or Organic)," pp. 142-146 in Organic Agriculture - the Credible Solution for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 12th International IFOAM Scientific Conference (Mar del Plata, Argentina, Nov.15-19 1998). D. Foguelman and W. Lockeretz, editors. Tholey-Theley, Germany: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), 1999.

  126. Newsome, R., "Organically Grown Foods," Food Technology 44, no. 12: pp. 123-130 (1990). [Includes 58 references]
    NAL Call no. 389.8 F7398

  127. Nilsson, T., "Yield, Storage Ability, Quality and Chemical Composition of Carrot, Cabbage and Leek at Conventional and Organic Fertilizing," Acta Horticulturae 93, pp. 209-223 (1979).
    NAL Call no. 80 Ac82

  128. Novikov, M.A., "Dependence of Yield of Swede Cv Kuuziku Grown on Derno-Calcareous Clay Loam Soil on Organic Manures," Effektivnost' Sevooborotov, Obrabotka Pochvy i Primenenie Gerbitsidov v Rastenievodstve, pp. 106-108 (1978). [In Russian]

  129. Ogbadu, G.H. and J.P. Easmon, "Influence of Inorganic and Organic Fertilizers on the Chemical Composition of Three Eggplant Cultivars," Tropical Science 29, no. 4: pp. 237-246 (1989).
    NAL Call no. 26 T756

  130. Ostrowska, D. and K. Kucinska, "Effect of Mineral Nitrogen Applied in Differentiated Organic Fertilization on the Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet," Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University, Agriculture 29, pp. 67-73 (1995). [In English, summary in Polish]
    NAL Call no. S13 A58

  131. Pain, A.K., "Effect of Compost on Nutrient Quality of Food," Compost Science 3, no. 1: pp. 40-41 (1962).
    NAL Call no. 57.8 C734

  132. Pchelkin, V.U., R.S. Smirnova, and R.N. Popova, "Effect of Potassium Salt on Yield and Chemical Composition of Lucerne," Khimiya v Sel'Skom Khozyaistve 10, no. 2: pp. 22-25 (1972). [In Russian]

  133. Peavy, W.S. and J.K. Greig, "Organic and Mineral Fertilizers Compared by Yield, Quality and Composition of Spinach," Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 97, no. 6: pp. 718-723 (1972).
    NAL Call no. 81 SO12

  134. Perez Llamas, F., I. Navarro, J.F. Marin, J.A. Madrid, and S. Zamora, "Comparative Study on the Nutritive Quality of Foods Grown Organically and Conventionally/Estudio Comparativo Sobre La Calidad Nutritiva De Alimentos Procedentes De La Agricultura Ecologica y Convencional," Alimentaria 34, no. 274: pp. 41-44 (1996). [In Spanish, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. TP368 A42

  135. Pettersson, B.D. and E. von Wistinghausen, Effects of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Soils and Crops: Results of a Long Term Field Experiment in Sweden. Temple, ME: Woods End Agricultural Institute, 1979. 44p. [Miscellaneous Publication #1; translated and edited from the Swedish and German by W.F. Brinton, Jr.]
    NAL Call no. S639 P47

  136. Pettersson, P., L. Salomonsson, and E. Nordkvist, "Differences in Botanical and Chemical Composition of Forage from Organic and Conventional Leys: A Survey at Farm Field Level," Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section-B, Soil and Plant Science. 48, no. 1: pp. 18-25 (1998).
    NAL Call no. S3 A272

  137. Pfeilsticker, al., "Quality of Organic-Grown Food: An Experimental Multifactorial Approach on Vegetables for Example," pp. 331-337 in Organic Agriculture, a Key to a Sound Development and a Sustainable Environment. Proceedings of the 9th IFOAM Conference (Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nov.16-21 1992). U. Kopke and D.G. Schulz, editors. Tholey-Theley, Germany: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM)., 1992.

  138. Pimpini, F., L. Giardini, M. Borin, and G. Gianquinto, "Effects of Poultry Manure and Mineral Fertilizers on the Quality of Crops," Journal of Agricultural Science 118 (pt.2), pp. 215-221 (1992).
    NAL Call no. 10 J822

  139. Pither, R. and M.N. Hall, Analytical Survey of the Nutritional Composition of Organically Grown Fruit and Vegetables. Gloucestershire, UK: Camden Food and Drink Research Association, 1990. 31p. [Technical Memo #597]

  140. Plochberger, K., "Feeding Experiments: A Criterion for Quality Estimation of Biologically and Conventionally Produced Foods," Agriculture, Ecosystems and Horticulture 27, no. 1/4: pp. 419-428 (1989). [From Proceedings of an International Symposium on Agricultural Ecology and Environment held April 5-7 1988, Padova, Italy]
    NAL Call no. S601 A34

  141. Plochberger, K. and A. Velmirov, "Are Food Preference Tests with Laboatory Rats a Proper Method for Evaluating Nutritional Quality," Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 8, no. 3: pp. 221-233 (1992).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 B5

  142. Podwall, D., J. Lipetz, and J.J. Steinberg, "Variation in the Deoxynucleotide Composition Between Organic and Nonorganic Strawberries," Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 44, no. 3: pp. 259-270 (1999).
    NAL Call no. QH545 A1E29

  143. Porretta, S., "Qualitative Comparison Between Commercial "Traditional" and "Organic" Tomato Products Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis," Acta Horticulturae 376, pp. 259-270 (1994). [Paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on the Processing Tomato held November 23-27 1993, Sorrento, Italy]
    NAL Call no. 80 Ac82

  144. Premuzic, Z., M. Bargiela, A. Garcia, and A. Iorio, "Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus and Vitamin C Content of Organic and Hydroponic Tomatoes," HortScience 33, no. 2: pp. 255-257 (1998).
    NAL Call no. SB1 H6

  145. Prugar, J., "Quality of Plant Products of Conventional and Ecological Agriculture/Jakost Rostlinnych Produktu Konvencniho a Ekologickeho Zemedelstvi," Studijni Informace Rostlinna Vyroba 4, p.48 pp (1994). [In Czech, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. SB13 V43

  146. Prugar, J., E. Kostkanova, and H. Rob, "Effect of Application of Mineral and Organic Fertilizers on the Grain Protein Content of Spring Wheat/Vliv Mineralniho a Statkoveho Hnojeni Na Obsah Bilkovin v Zrne Jarni Psenice," Rostlinna Vyroba 22, no. 9: pp. 973-982 (1976). [In Czech, summaries in English and Russian]
    NAL Call no. 64.9 C33

  147. Putz, B. and M.G. Lindhauer, "Reducing Sugars in Potato Tubers as an Important Factor for Processing/Die Reduzierenden Zucker in Der Kartoffel Als Massgeblicher Qualitatsparameter Fur Die Verarbeitung," Agribiological Research 47, no. 3-4: pp. 335-344 (1994). [In German, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. S7 A37

  148. Raupp, J., "Comparative Assessment of Microbiological-Biochemical Parameters for Quality Determination of Plant Products in a Long-Term Fertilizer Trial/Vergleichende Bewertung Mikrobiologisch-Biochemischer Parameter Zur Qualitatsbestimmung Pflanzlicher Produkte Anhand Von Untersuchungen Zu Einem Langjahrigen Dungungsversuch," pp. 217-223 in Contributions to the 4th Scientific Meeting on Ecological Agriculture, Held on 3-4 March 1997, at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn (Bonn, Germany, Mar.3-.4 1997). U. Kopke and J.A. Eisele, editors. Bonn: Institut fur Organischen Landbau, 1997. [In German]

  149. Raupp, J., "Examination of Some Microbiological and Biochemical Parameters and Tests of Product Quality Used in a Long-Term Fertilization Trial," American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 13, no. 3: pp. 138-144 (1998).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A43

  150. Raupp, J., "Quality Investigations with Products of the Long-Term Fertilization Trial in Darmstadt," pp. 13-33 in Quality of Plant Products Grown with Manure Fertilization: Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting (Juva, Finland, July 6-9 1996). Darmstadt; Germany: Institute for Biodynamic Research, 1996.

  151. Raupp, J., "Yield, Product Quality and Soil Life After Long-Term Organic or Mineral Fertilization," pp. 91-101 in Agricultural Production and Nutrition, Proceedings of an International Conference (Boston, MA, Mar.19-21 1997). W. Lockeretz, editor. Medford, MA: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, 1997.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A372 1997

  152. Reiners, S., "Nutritional Quality of Organically Grown Vegetables," HortTechnology 3, no. 3: p.363 (1993).
    NAL Call no. SB317.5.H68

  153. Rembialkowska, E., "Comparison of Selected Parameters of Potato Quality from Ecological and Conventional Farms/Porowananie Wybranych Parametrow Jakosci Zdrowotnej Ziemniakow z Gospodarstw Ekologicznych i Konwencjonalnych," Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny 49, no. 2: pp. 159-167 (1998). [In Polish, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. 449.9 W26

  154. Rembialkowska, E., "Wholesome and Nutritive Quality of Bryza, Sokol and Ania Potato Varieties from Organic and Conventional Farms," Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna 31, no. 4: pp. 411-418 (1998). [In Polish, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. QP141 A1B7

  155. Rembialkowska, E. and Z. Fiedorow, "Comparative Study into Wholesomeness and Nutritional Quality of Carrot and White Cabbage from Organic and Conventional Farms/Badania Porownawcze Jakosci Zdrowotnej i Odzywczej Marchwi i Bialej Kapusty z Gospodarstw Ekologicznych i Konwencjonalnych," Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu, Ogrodnictwo no. 27: pp. 257-266 (1998). [In Polish, summary in English; Ekologiczne aspekty produkcji ogrodniczej, Poznan, Poland, 17-18 listopada 1998]

  156. Rutkoviene, V., A. Stancevicius, G. Rutkauskiene, and A. Gavenauskas, "Farming Practices and Product Quality in Lithuania," pp. 103-113 in Agricultural Production and Nutrition, Proceedings of an International Conference (Boston, MA, Mar.19-21 1997). W. Lockeretz, editor. Medford, MA: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, 1997.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A372 1997

  157. Rydberg, T., "The Response of Barley Varieties in Conventional and Biological Growing," pp. 310-316 in The Importance of Biological Agriculture in a World of Diminishing Resources: Proceedings of the 5th IFOAM Int Scientific Conference (University of Kassel, Germany, Aug.27-30 1984). H. Vogtmann, E. Boehncke and I. Fricke, editors. Witzenhausen: Verlagsgruppe Witzenhausen, 1986.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 I45 1984

  158. Salomon, M., "Natural Foods: Myth or Magic," The Soil Association 1, no. 7: pp. 14, 16-17 (1973).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 S6

  159. Salomonsson, L., A.C. Salomonsson, S. Olofsson, and A. Jonsson, "Effects of Organic Fertilizers and Urea When Applied to Winter Wheat," Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science 45, no. 3: pp. 171-180 (1995).
    NAL Call no. S3 A272

  160. Samuel, A.M. and J. East, "Organically Grown Wheat - the Effect of Crop Husbandry on Grain Quality," Aspects of Applied Biology 25, pp. 199-208 (1990).
    NAL Call no. QH301 A76

  161. Santamaria, P., D. Ventrella, V. Magnifico, F. Serio, and A. de Boni, "Growth, Yield and Nitrate Accumulation of Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L) as Influenced by Organic-Mineral Fertilizer Application/Accrescimento, Produzione e Accumulo Dei Nitrati in Spinacio (Sponacia Oleracea L) Concimato Con Fertilizzante Minerale e Organo-Minerale," Rivista Di Agronomia 27, no. 4: pp. 587-591 (1993). [In Italian, summary in English]

  162. Schuh, M., A. Nagele, and G. Schoder, "Comparative Studies Concerning Milk-Production, Composition, and Hygienic Status of Raw Milk in Conventional as well as Biological Dairy-Herds," pp. s-3,74-75 in Proceedings of the Third IDF International Mastitis Seminar (Tel-Aviv, Israel, May1 1928-June1 1995). A. Saran and S. Soback, editors. Beit-Dagan; Israel: National Mastitis Reference Center, 1995.

  163. Schultz, D.G. and U. Kopke, "The Quality Index: A Holistic Approach to Describe the Quality of Food," pp. 47-52 in Agricultural Production and Nutrition, Proceedings of an International Conference (Boston, MA, Mar.19-21 1997). W. Lockeretz, editor. Medford, MA: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, 1997.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A372 1997

  164. Schulz, D.G., K. Koch, K.H. Kromer, and U. Kopke, "Influence of Various Growing Methods - Mineral, Organic, Biodynamic - of Potatoes: Chemical Composition, Sensory Tests, Strength Coefficients and Picture-Forming Methods," pp. 382-388 in Contributions to the 4th Scientific Meeting on Ecological Agriculture (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms, Universitat Bonn, Mar.3-4 1997). Bonn, Germany: Institut fur Organischen Landbau, 1997. [In German]

  165. Schulz, D.G., K. Koch, K.H. Kromer, and U. Kopke, "Quality Comparison of Mineral, Organic and Biodynamic Cultivation of Potatoes: Contents, Strength Criteria, Sensory Investigations, and Picture-Creating Methods," pp. 115-120 in Agricultural Production and Nutrition, Proceedings of an International Conference (Boston, MA, Mar.19-21 1997). W. Lockeretz, editor. Medford, MA: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, 1997.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 A372 1997

  166. Schulz, D.G. and U. Kopke, "An Overall Approach to Describing Food Quality: The Quality Index/Ein Ganzheitlicher Ansatz Zur Beschreibung Der Nahrungsmittelqualitat: Der Qualitats-Index," pp. 211-216 in Contributions to the 4th Scientific Meeting on Ecological Agriculture (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms, Universitat Bonn, Mar.3-4 1997). Bonn, Germany: Institut fur Organischen Landbau, 1997. [In German]

  167. Schulz, D.G., E. Zedow, and U. Kopke, "Determining the Quality of Organic Produce: Extended Quality Parameters and Quality Index," pp. 338-348 in Organic Agriculture, a Key to a Sound Development and a Sustainable Environment. Proceedings of the 9th IFOAM Conference ( Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nov.16 1992-Nov.21 1992). U. Kopke and D.G. Schulz, editors. Tholey-Theley, Germany: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), 1992.

  168. Schulzova, V., J. Hajslova, J. Guziur, and J. Velisek, "Assessment of the Quality of Potatoes from Organic Farming," pp. 73-75 in Agri-Food Quality II: Quality Management of Fruits and Vegetables - from Field to Table. (Turku, Finland, Apr.22-25 1998). M. Hagg, R. Ahvenainen, A.M. Evers, and K.A.D. Tiilikkala, editors. Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999.
    NAL Call no. QP141 I58 1998

  169. Schuphan, W., "Effects of the Application of Inorganic and Organic Manures on the Market Quality and on the Biological Value of Agricultural Products," Qualitas Planatarum - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 21, no. 4: pp. 381-398 (1972).
    NAL Call no. 64.8 M41

  170. Schuphan, W., "Experimental Contributions to the Problem of Improving the Nutritional Quality of Food Plants," Qualitas Plantarum - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 24, no. 1/2: pp. 1-18 (1974).
    NAL Call no. 64.8 M41

  171. Schuphan, W., "Nutritional Value of Crops as Influenced by Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer Treatments: Results of 12 Years' Experiments with Vegetables (1960-1972)," Qualitas Plantarum - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 23, no. 4: pp. 333-358 (1974).
    NAL Call no. 64.8 M41

  172. Schuphan, W., "Yield and Nutritional Quality of Plant Produce with Particular Reference to the Problem of "Organic" or "Chemical-Mineral" Fertilization/Ertrag Und Nahrungsqualitat Pflanzlicher Erzeugnisse Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Problematik "Organischer" Oder "Chemisch-Mineralischer" Dungung," Ernahrungs Umschau 21, no. 4: pp. 103-108 (1974). [In German]
    NAL Call no. 389.8 ER66

  173. Schuphan, W., "Yield Maximization versus Biological Value," Qualitas Planatarum - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 24, pp. 281-310 (1975).
    NAL Call no. 64.8 M41

  174. Schuphan, W., Nutritional Values in Crops and Plants: Problems for Producers and Consumers. London: Faber and Faber, 1965. [Translated from the German by C.L. Whittles]
    NAL Call no. 280.3 Sch82Ne

  175. Seemuller, M., "The Implications of Organic Farming for the Nutrition of an Industrial Nation," pp. 34-37 in Organic Agriculture - the Credible Solution for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 12th International IFOAM Scientific Conference (Mar del Plata, Argentina, Nov.15-19 1998). D. Foguelman and W. Lockeretz, editors. Tholey-Theley, Germany: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), 1999.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 I45 1998

  176. Selvan, C.T. and L. Kannan, "Effect of Manures from Seaweeds on Rice (Oryza Sativa L)," International Journal of Tropical Agriculture 8, no. 2: pp. 117-122 (1990).
    NAL Call no. SB111 A2I44

  177. Sheets, O., "The Relation of Soil Fertility to Human Nutrition," Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin (Mississippi State College) no. 437: 20p. (1946).
    NAL Call no. S79 E3 no.437

  178. Shier, N.W., J. Kelman, and J.W. Dunson, "A Comparison of Crude Protein, Moisture, Ash and Crop Yield Between Organic and Conventionally Grown Wheat," Nutrition Reports International 30, no. 1: pp. 71-76 (1984).
    NAL Call no. RC620.A1N8

  179. Smith, B.L., "Comparison of Element Levels in Organic Foods and Commercial Foods," pp. 255-256 in Trace Elements in Man and Animals - TEMA 8: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals (Dresden, Germany, May 1990). M. Anke, D. Meissner, and C.F. Mills, editors. Gersdorf, Germany: Verlag Media Touristik, 1993.

  180. Smith, B.L., "Organic Foods vs. Supermarket Foods: Element Levels," Journal of Applied Nutrition 45, no. 1: pp. 35-39 (1993).
    NAL Call no. 389.8 AM35

  181. Srikumar, T.S. and P.A. Ockerman, "The Effects of Fertilization and Manuring on the Content of Some Nutrients in Potato (Var. Provita)," Food Chemistry 37, no. 1: pp. 47-60 (1990).
    NAL Call no. TX501 F6

  182. Srikumar, T.S. and P.A. Ockerman, "The Effects of Organic and Inorganic Fertilization on the Content of Trace Elements in Cereal Grains," Food Chemistry 42, no. 2: pp. 225-230 (1991).
    NAL Call no. TX501 F6

  183. Staiger, D., The Influence of Conventional and Biologically/Dynamically Developed Feeds on Fertility, All Around Health and Meat Quality in Domestic Rabbits/Einfluss Konventionell Und Biologisch-Dynamisch Angebauten Futters Auf Fruchtbarkeit, Allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand Und Fleischqualitat Beim Hauskaninchen. Bonn, Germany: Universitat Bonn. Landwirtschaftliche Fakultat, 1986. 146p. [In German; Inaugural Dissertation, Universitat Bonn Landwirtschaftliche Fakultat, no. 35]
    NAL Call no. 105.8 B644 1986 [no.35]

  184. Starling, W. and M.C. Richards, "Quality of Commercial Samples of Organically Grown Wheat," Aspects of Applied Biology 36, pp. 205-209 (1993).
    NAL Call no. QH301 A76

  185. Starling, W. and M.C. Richards, "Quality of Organically-Grown Wheat and Barley," Aspects of Applied Biology 25, pp. 193-198 (1990).
    NAL Call no. QH301 A76

  186. Stopes, C., L. Woodward, G. Forde, and H. Vogtmann, "The Nitrate Content of Vegetable and Salad Crops Offered to the Consumer as from "Organic" or "Conventional" Production Systems," Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 5, no. 3: pp. 215-221 (1988).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 B5

  187. Storey, T., R. Hogan, and J. Humphreys, "The Growth, Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat and Winter Oats Grown Under an Organic Conversion Regime," Aspects of Applied Biology 36, pp. 199-204 (1993). [In the series: Cereal Quality III, edited by P.S. Kettlewell et al.]
    NAL Call no. QH301 A76

  188. Svec, L.V., C.A. Thoroughbood, and H.C.S. Mok, "Chemical Evaluation of Vegetables Grown with Conventional or Organic Soil Amendments," Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 7, no. 2: pp. 213-228 (1976).
    NAL Call no. S590 C63

  189. Takahashi, I., T. Yokoyama, N. Sakamaki, F. Ushio, T. Ueta, H. Ichikawa, T. Tomomatsu, Y. Katoh, M. Komiya, T. Kobayashi, and K. Terakado, "Nutritional Components in Vegetables Cultivated Using Organic Materials," Annual Report of the Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health 46, pp. 159-164 (1995). [In Japanese, summary in English]

  190. Tashkhodzhaev, A.T., "Effect of Organic Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Potatoes on Sierozem Soils," Agrokhimiiano. 11: pp. 71-75 (1985). [In Russian]
    NAL Call no. 385 AG89

  191. Tejada, M., J.A. Espejo, C. Benitez, and J.L. Gonzalez, "Influence of Organomineral Fertilization on Wheat Yield and Flour Quality Under Dry Conditions," Agricoltura Mediterranea 125, no. 2: pp. 138-149 (1995).
    NAL Call no. S539.5 A37

  192. Temple, N., "Nutrition and Organic Farming," The Soil Association 6 (i.e. 5), no. 4: pp. 20-22 (1979).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 S6

  193. Termine, E., D. Lairon, B. Taupier Letage, S. Gautier, R. Lafont, and H. Lafont, "Yield and Content in Nitrates, Minerals and Ascorbic Acid of Leeks and Turnips Grown Under Mineral or Organic Nitrogen Fertilizations," Qualitas Plantarum - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 37, no. 4: pp. 321-332 (1987).
    NAL Call no. 64.8 M41

  194. U.S. Plant Soil and Nutrition Laboratory Staff, Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, The Effect of Soils and Fertilizers on the Nutritional Quality of Plants. Washington, DC: Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in cooperation with Cornell University Experiment Station and Soil Conservation Service, 1965. 24p. [Agriculture Information Bulletin #299; superceded by Information Bulletin #378, 1975, see W.H. Allaway]
    NAL Call no. 1 Ag84Ab no.299

  195. Velimirov, A., K. Plochberger, U. Huspeka, and W. Schott, "The Influence of Biologically and Conventionally Cultivated Food on the Fertility of Rats," Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 8, no. 4: pp. 325-337 (1992).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 B5

  196. Velisek, J., J. Davidek, M. Holasova, J. Mnukova, and J. Petr, "The Content of Some Vitamins in Wheat and Barley Grown on Organic Farms/Obsah Nekterych Vitaminu v Psenici a Jacmeni Pestovanych Ekologickym Zpusobem," Potravinarske Vedy 13, no. 6: pp. 437-450 (1995). [In Czech, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. TP368 S26

  197. Vogtmann, H., "From Healthy Soil to Healthy Food: An Analysis of the Quality of Food Produced Under Contrasting Agricultural Systems," Nutrition and Health 6, no. 1: pp. 21-35 (1988). [Paper presented at the annual conference of the McCarrison Society of Scotland, Dundee, Oct 1986]
    NAL Call no. RC620 A1N84

  198. Vogtmann, H., "The Quality of Plant Foods," Ecologist 11, no. 4: pp. 169-173 (1981).
    NAL Call no. QH540 E2

  199. Vogtmann, H., K. Matthies, B. Kehres, and A. Meier Ploeger, "Enhanced Food Quality: Effects of Composts on the Quality of Plant Foods," Compost Science and Utilization 1, pp. 1, 82-100 (1993).
    NAL Call no. TD796.5 C58

  200. Vogtmann, H., A.T. Temperli, U. Kunsch, M. Eichenberger, and P. Ott, "Accumulation of Nitrates in Leafy Vegetables Grown Under Contrasting Agricultural Systems," Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 2, no. 1: pp. 51-68 (1984).
    NAL Call no. S605.5 B5

  201. Wang, G.Y., T. Abe, T. Sasahara, and G.Y. Wang, "Concentrations of Kjeldahl-Digested Nitrogen, Amylose, and Amino Acids in Milled Grains of Rice (Oryza Sativa L) Cultivated Under Organic and Customary Farming Practices," Japanese Journal of Crop Science 67, no. 3: pp. 307-311 (1998). [In Japanese, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. 22.5 C88

  202. Warman, P.R. and G. Fairchild, "The Effects of Endosulfan and Fertilizer Source on Soil Fertility. I. Potato, Cabbage and Strawberry Tissue Composition," Plant and Soil 74, no. 2: pp. 189-202 (1983).
    NAL Call no. 450 P696

  203. Warman, P.R. and K.A. Havard, "Yield, Vitamin and Mineral Content of Four Vegetables Grown with Either Composted Manure or Conventional Fertilizer," Journal of Vegetable Crop Production 2, no. 1: pp. 13-25 (1996).
    NAL Call no. SB320 J68

  204. Warman, P.R. and K.A. Havard, "Yield, Vitamin and Mineral Contents of Organically and Conventionally Grown Carrots and Cabbage," Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 61, no. 2-3: pp. 155-162 (1997).
    NAL Call no. S601 A34

  205. Warman, P.R. and K.A. Havard, "Yield, Vitamin and Mineral Contents of Organically and Conventionally Grown Potatoes and Sweet Corn," Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 68, no. 3: pp. 207-216 (1998).
    NAL Call no. S601 A34

  206. Weibel, F.P., R. Bickel, S. Leuthold, T. Alfoldi, and U. Niggli, "Are Organically Grown Apples Tastier and Healthier? A Comparative Field Study Using Conventional and Alternative Methods to Measure Fruit Quality," pp. 147-153 in Organic Agriculture - the Credible Solution for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 12th International IFOAM Scientific Conference (Mar del Plata, Argentina, Nov.15-19 1998). D. Foguelman and W. Lockeretz, editors. Tholey-Theley, Germany: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), 1999.
    NAL Call no. S605.5 I45 1998

  207. Williams, G. and P. Williams, ""Organic" vs Conventionally Fertilized Tomatoes," HortIdeas pp. 40-41 (1987).
    NAL Call no. SB317.5 H67

  208. Williams, G. and P. Williams, "Organic vs Conventionally Growing Methods, Revisited," HortIdeas pp. 49-50 (1997).
    NAL Call no. SB317.5 H67

  209. Winter, M., "Organic Produce Not More Nutritious," News Views 75, no. 9: p.13 (1990).
    NAL Call no. S544.3 N7N45

  210. Wistinghausen, E. von and M. Richter, "Fertilizer Type and the Quality of Vegetables/Naturaleza De La Fertilizacion y Calidad De Hortalizas," Revista De La Facultad De Agronomia, Universidad De Buenos Aires 4, no. 2: pp. 123-134 (1983). [In Spanish, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. SB87 A7R48

  211. Woese, K., D. Lange, C. Boess, and K.W. Bogl, "A Comparison of Organically and Conventionally Grown Foods - Results of a Review of the Relevant Literature," Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 74, no. 3: pp. 281-293 (1997). [115 references]
    NAL Call no. 382 So12

  212. Wolff, X.Y., "Species, Cultivar, and Soil Amendments Influence Fruit Production of Two Physalis Species," HortScience 26, no. 12: pp. 1558-1559 (1991).
    NAL Call no. SB1 H6

  213. Woodward, L., "The Nutritional Quality of Organic Food," Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin no. 5: pp. 5-6 (1993).

  214. Worthington, V., "Effect of Agricultural Methods on Nutritional Quality: A Comparison of Organic with Conventional Crops," Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 4, no. 1: p.58 (1998). [Article summary available at Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation:]

  215. Yano, M., H. Ito, A. Hayami, and S. Obama, "Effect of Cultural Practices on the Quality of Vegetables. I. Sugar Contents of Cabbage and Carrot," Bulletin of the Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Research Station, A Ano, Mie 8, pp. 53-67 (1981). [In Japanese, summary in English]
    NAL Call no. SB13 Y32

  216. Zhang, L., G.A. Porter, and R.J. Bushway, "Ascorbic Acid and Glycoalkaloid Content of Atlantic and Superior Potato Tubers as Affected by Supplemental Irrigation and Soil Amendments," American Potato Journal 74, no. 5: pp. 285-304 (1997).
    NAL Call no. 75.8 P842

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Author Index

Abe, T. 201
Abu, S. 3
Aguzzi, A. 105
Ahvenainen, R. 105, 168
Aikoh, H. 77
Albi, M.A 61
Alfoldi, T. 4, 206
Alieva, E.I. 5
Allaway, W.H. 6
Alvarez, C.E. 7
Anke, M. 179
Appledorf, H. 8
Arenfalk, O. 9
Arkhipchenko, I.A. 10
Arnaud, T. 61
Arnold, R. 11
Asano, J. 12
Auclair, L. 13
Aussenac, T. 38

Bakr, A.A. 14
Balode, A. 15
Balzer, F. 107
Balzer, U. 107
Bargiela, M. 144
Bear, F.E. 16
Beeson, K.C. 17, 18, 25
Beldi, F. 19
Benitez, C. 191
Besson, J.M. 4, 107
Bickel, R. 206
Bille, S.W. 48
Bindslev, J.C. 100
Blanc, D. 20
Boehncke, E. 52, 91, 157
Boess, C. 211
Bogl, K.W 211
Boltzmann, L. 107
Bonafaccia, G. 21
Borghi, B. 22
Borin, M. 49, 138
Bourn, D.M. 23, 24
Brandt, C.S. 25
Brinton, W.F. 135
Brown, H.D. 26
Buning, P.H. 66
Bushway, R.J. 216

Campbell, J. 27
Cannon, N.D. 56
Cappelloni, M. 105
Carbonaro, M. 105
Carnovale, E. 105
Carracedo, A.E. 7
Causeret, J. 20
Cepl, J. 63
Chang, L.R. 28
Chen, H.T. 28
Chen, Y.S. 29
Chen, Y.W. 28
Cimino, G. 98
Clancy, K. 30, 31
Clarke, R.P. 32
Comis, D. 33
Corbellini, M. 22
Costa, N.D. 99

Dahlstedt, L. 34, 35
Daldy, Y. 36
Davidek, J. 196
Davies, W.P. 56
de Boni, A. 161
de Caria, F. 37
Debaeke, P. 38
DeEll, J.R. 39
Dhar, N.R. 112
di Lullo, G. 105
Diver, S. 40
Divis, J. 41
Dlouhy, J. 34, 35, 42
Dolenc, K. 21
Dubois, D. 4
Duden, R. 118
Dugo, G. 98
Dunson, J.W 178

Easmon, J.P 129
East, J. 160
Ebbesen, K. 100
Eggert, F.P. 43, 44
Eggum, B.O. 48
Ehrenbergerova, J. 45
Eichenberger, M. 200
Eisele, J.A. 148
El Sheikh, E.A.E. 46, 47
El Zidany, A.A. 46, 47
Eppendorfer, W.H. 48
Espejo, J.A 191
European Society for Agronomy 49
Evers, A.M. 50, 105, 168

Fabre, J.L. 38
Fairchild, G. 202
Fiedorow, Z. 155
Finesilver, T. 51
Fink, O.E. 26
Fischer, A. 52
Fisher, C. 53
Foguelman, D. 125, 175, 206
Forde, G. 186
Forman, J. 26
Francisci, R. 21
Fredriksson, H. 54
Fricke, I. 52, 91, 157

Gajewska, R. 55
Gambelli, L. 105
Ganowiak, Z 55
Garcia, A. 144
Gautier, S. 91, 193
Gavenauskas, A. 156
Gawish, R.A. 14
Gianquinto, G. 138
Giardini, L. 138
Gilly, G. 20
Giordani, G. 22
Goh, K.M 120
Gonzalez, J.L 191
Gooding, M.J. 56
Granstedt, A.G. 57, 58
Greig, J.K. 133
Guermandi, M. 22
Guinot, T. P. 59
Gussow, J.D. 60
Gutierrez, F. 61
Guziur, J. 168
Gysi, C. 107

Hagel, I. 62
Hagelskjaer, L. 9
Hagg, M. 105, 168
Hajslova, J. 168
Hall, M.N. 139
Hamouz, K. 63, 64
Hansen, H. 65
Hartmann, R. 66
Hauser, M. 27
Hauton, J.C. 90, 91
Havard, K.A. 203, 204, 205
Hayami, A. 215
Haynes, L. 67
Heinze, H. 68
Hermansen, J.E 100
Hessel, A. 101
Hilaire, A. 38
Hill, S. 27
Hogan, R. 187
Hogstad, S. 69
Holasova, M. 196
Honeycutt, C.W. 70
Honikel, K.O. 71
Horita, H. 72
Hornick, S.B. 73, 74
Howard, A., Sir 75, 76
Howard, L.E. 75, 76
Huang, H.Y. 28
Humphreys, J. 187
Hurtado, C. 111
Huspeka, U. 195

Ichikawa, H. 189
Iglesias, E. 7
Ikeda, K. 21
Ikeda, S. 21
Imaki, T. 88
Iorio, A. 144
Ishii, T. 77
Ito, H. 215

Jablonska, C.R. 78
Johnson, E.H. 79
Joliet, E. 95
Jondreville, C. 59
Jonsson, A. 159
Jukes, T.H. 80, 81
Julkowski, H. 114

Kahrmann, C.L. 44
Kanamori, M. 82
Kanetsuki, K. 88
Kannan, L. 176
Karam, A. 13
Katoh, Y. 189
Kehres, B. 199
Kelman, J. 178
Kjellenberg, L. 57, 58
Knapp, T. 21
Knorr, D. 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 108
Kobayashi, T. 189
Kobayasi, K. 88
Koburger, J.A. 8
Koch, K. 166, 164
Komiya, M. 189
Kopke, U. 67, 89, 125, 137, 148, 163, 166, 164, 165, 167
Kopp, H.J. 89
Kostkanova, E. 146
Kreft, I. 21
Kromer, K.H. 164, 165
Kucharska, D. 55
Kucinska, K. 130
Kunsch, U. 200

Lachman, J. 63, 64
Lafont, H. 90, 91, 193
Lafont, R. 193
Lairon, D. 90, 91, 193
Lampkin, N. 92
Lange, D. 211
Larkin, M. 93
Laurent, F. 59
Lecerf, J.M 94
Leclerc, J. 20, 95
Lenartowicz, W. 96, 97
Leuthold, S. 206
Leuzzi, U. 98
Lewis, J.L. 99
Lind, P. 100
Lindeberg, J. 101
Lindhauer, M.G 147
Lindner, M.C. 102
Lindner, U. 103
Lipetz, J. 142
Lockeretz, W. 30, 43, 58, 104, 113, 125, 151, 156, 163, 164, 175, 206
Lu, C.J. 28
Lucarini, M. 105
Lund, P. 106

Mader, P. 4, 107
Madrid, J.A 134
Maga, J.A. 108, 109
Magnifico, V. 161
Manss, F. 110
Manss, H. 110
Marin, J.F 134
Martinetti, L. 37
Martinez, M.C. 7
Martinez, T.J. 111
Matallana, G. C. 111
Matrone, G. 18
Matthies, K. 199
Maurya, K.R. 112
Mayer, A.M. 113
Mazur, T. 114
McCarrison, R. 115
McSheehy, T.W. 116, 117
Meier Ploeger, A. 118, 199
Meissner, D. 179
Mercadante, A.Z. 119
Merrow, Susan B. 32
Miller, M.L. 95
Mills, C.F. 179
Minuva, U. 100
Mnukova, J. 196
Mok, H.C.S. 188
Montagu, K.D 120
Moore, F.D. 109
Mozafar, A. 121, 122, 123, 124

Nabrzyski, M. 55
Nagele, A. 162
Navarro, I. 134
Neuhoff, D. 125
Newsome, R. 126
Nicoli, S. 105
Nielsen, J.S 100
Niggli, U. 4, 107, 206
Nilsson, T. 127
Nordkvist, E. 136
Norgaard, A. 100
Novikov, M.A 128

Obama, S. 215
Ockerman, P.A. 181, 182
Ogbadu, G.H 129
Olofsson, S. 159
Oshima, N. 109
Ostrowska, D. 130
Ott, P. 200

Pain, A.K. 131
Parr, J.F. 73
Pchelkin, V.U. 132
Peavy, W.S. 133
Perez Llamas, F. 134
Petr, J. 196
Pettersson, B.D. 135
Pettersson, P. 136
Pfeilsticker, K.. 137
Pfiffner, L. 107
Pimpini, F. 138
Pither, R. 139
Pivec, V. 64
Plochberger, K. 107, 140, 141, 195
Podwall, D. 142
Popova, R.N. 132
Porretta, S. 143
Porter, G.A. 216
Poulsen, L.K. 100
Prange, R.K. 39
Premuzic, Z. 144
Prince, A.L. 16
Prugar, J. 145, 146
Pujol, B. 38
Putz, B. 147

Raupp, J. 4, 57, 148, 149, 150, 151
Reiners, S. 152
Rembialkowska, E. 153, 154, 155
Ribaud, P. 90
Richards, M.C. 184, 185
Richter, C. 52
Richter, M. 210
Risvik, E. 69
Rob, H. 146
Rochat, E. 13
Rocquelin, G. 95
Rodriguez Amaya, D.B. 119
Ruggeri, S. 105
Rutkauskiene, G. 156
Rutkoviene, V. 156
Rydberg, T. 157

Sakamaki, N. 189
Saleha, A. 3
Salomon, M. 158
Salomonsson, A.C. 54, 159
Salomonsson, L. 54, 136, 159
Samuel, A.M. 160
Santamaria, P. 161
Saran, A. 162
Sasahara, T. 201
Sattin, M. 49
Schoder, G. 162
Schott, W. 195
Schuh, M. 162
Schulz, D.G. 67, 89, 125, 137, 163, 165, 166, 164, 167, 165
Schulzova, V. 168
Schuphan, W. 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174
Seemuller, M. 175
Selvan, C.T 176
Serio, F. 161
Sheets, O. 177
Shier, N.W 178
Skov, P.S 100
Skrabanja, V. 21
Smirnova, R.S. 132
Smith, B.L. 179, 180
Soback, S. 162
Spiess, E. 4
Spitz, N. 90
Srikumar, T.S. 181, 182
Staiger, Dorothea 183
Stancevicius, A. 156
Starling, W. 184, 185
Steinberg, J.J. 142
Steinsholt, K. 69
Stopes, C. 186
Storey, T. 187
Svec, L.V. 188

Takahashi, I. 189
Tashkhodzhaev, A.T. 190
Taupier Letage, B. 193
Tejada, M. 191
Temperli, A.T. 200
Temple, N. 192
Terakado, K. 189
Termine, E. 90, 91, 193
Thompson, A.J. 56
Thoroughbood, C.A. 188
Thuries, L. 38
Tiilikkala, K.A.D 105, 168
Toderi, G. 22
Tomomatsu, T. 189
Toth, S. J. 16
Trofimova, N.T. 5
Trouilloud, M. 91
Tufts University, School of Nutrition Science and Policy 104

U.S. Plant Soil and Nutrition Laboratory Staff, Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, Agricultural Research Service 194
Ueta, T. 189
Ushio, F. 189

Vaccino, P. 22
Vaculova, K. 45
Velimirov, A. 107, 195
Velisek, J. 168, 196
Velmirov, A. 141
Ventrella, D. 161
Viswanath, B. 115
Vodicka, J. 41
Vogtmann, H. 52, 85, 91, 118, 157, 186, 197, 198, 199, 200
Vokal, B. 63, 64

Wang, G.Y 201
Warman, P.R. 202, 203, 204, 205
Weeke, B. 100
Weibel, F.P 206
Werner, H. 100
Wheeler, W.B. 8
Williams, G. 207, 208
Williams, P. 207, 208
Winter, M. 209
Wistinghausen, E.von 135, 210
Woese, K. 211
Wolff, X.Y. 212
Woodward, L. 186, 213
Worthington, V. 214

Yano, M. 215
Yokoyama, T. 189

Zamora, S. 134
Zedow, E. 165
Zee, JA 13
Zhang, L. 216
Zimolka, J. 45

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