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2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Supply Status

This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated. For updated information on the 2011-2012 flu season, see the CDC Seasonal Flu website.

December 2, 2009, 5:00 PM ET

2009 H1N1 Vaccine Doses Allocated,
Ordered, and Shipped by Project Area
Posted December 2, 2009, 5:00 PM ET
Project Areas* Total Doses Allocated**
as of 12/01/09
Total Doses Ordered
as of 12/01/09
Total Doses Shipped***
as of 12/01/09
GRAND TOTAL 68,985,700 61,838,300 59,313,720
Alabama 1057700 777000 770300
Alaska 166300 166300 147500
American Samoa 18700 5000 5000
Arizona 1355400 1320800 1320800
Arkansas 648000 648000 560800
California 7600800 7028300 7028300
Chicago 672700 672300 635100
Colorado 1030800 845100 845000
Connecticut 795800 792800 757000
Delaware 202900 187300 171900
District of Columbia 143400 141000 124900
Federal Worker Program1 400500 290800 290600
Florida 4061600 3522300 3402300
Georgia 2193300 1819500 1812200
Guam 41900 33400 33400
Hawaii 278600 266700 266700
Idaho 350600 308600 308000
Illinois 2364700 2231700 2104600
Indiana 1429600 1429600 1425400
Iowa 681500 644100 540400
Kansas 636000 510100 505220
Kentucky 968400 825800 772700
Louisiana 996600 817300 740500
Maine 301900 301700 265800
Marshall Islands 18600 2500 2500
Maryland 1265300 1248200 1179700
Massachusetts 1473500 1406300 1404100
Michigan 2240300 1864100 1814800
Micronesia 28400 27400 21400
Minnesota 1170400 1082000 1080500
Mississippi 667100 540300 466700
Missouri 1332100 1170200 1148800
Montana 225600 196200 196200
Nebraska 400300 398300 397500
Nevada 545600 516400 477400
New Hampshire  302300 258000 239000
New Jersey 1945100 1594300 1580600
New Mexico 453200 353200 352400
New York  2490000 2118200 1946200
New York City 1873500 1795500 1678300
North Carolina 2089100 1993400 1844200
North Dakota 152700 132500 132500
Northern Mariana Islands 24100 22000 22000
Ohio 2570300 2299200 2298000
Oklahoma 824100 709100 708100
Oregon 792200 703600 697200
Pennsylvania 2447600 2436200 2431900
Philadelphia 344300 277400 277400
Puerto Rico 932500 374200 371300
Republic of Palau 9600 8900 8900
Rhode Island 242900 217800 217800
South Carolina 1016900 838500 838500
South Dakota 188800 188800 166800
Tennessee 1410100 1391400 1315800
Texas 5426100 4678200 3930300
Utah 573500 532600 532600
Vermont 150300 139800 131400
Virgin Islands  30900 15700 13400
Virginia 1743300 1743300 1651600
Washington 1365000 1284200 1228900
West Virginia 431000 375800 375800
Wisconsin 1262400 1207000 1186700
Wyoming 129000 112100 112100

1For more information, please visit:

* Project areas reflect CDC Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) Grantees

** Doses allocated to project areas for ordering are those that are at the distribution depots and ready for project areas to order.
Vaccine is allocated to each project area in proportion to its population (pro rata).

***There is a lag time between allocation, ordering, and shipment of doses as project areas place orders and those orders are processed and shipped.

View table data in XML format NEW Dec 1

For Planners: Vaccine Allocation and Distribution Q&A

For the Public: 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Q&A, Supply and Distribution

Graph and Table of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Doses Allocated, Ordered, and Shipped in U.S.

Previous H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Supply Status Updates

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