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SEP-15 is a new experimental process for FHWA to identify, for trial evaluation, new public-private partnership approaches to project delivery. It is anticipated that these new approaches will allow the efficient delivery of transportation projects without impairing FHWA's ability to carry out its stewardship responsibilities to protect both the environment and American taxpayers.

SEP-15 addresses, but is not limited to, four major components of project delivery:

  • contracting
  • compliance with environmental requirements
  • right-of-way acquisition
  • project finance

Elements of the transportation planning process may be also involved. SEP-15 applications may include suggested changes to the FHWA's traditional project approval procedures and may require some modifications in the implementation of FHWA policy. Deviations from current title 23, U.S.C., requirements and generally applicable FHWA regulations also may be involved.

For more information contact:

Regina McElroy


Trans Texas Corridor 35 (TTC 35)

Application:   web
SEP-14 Approval Memo: web
SEP-15 Transfer Letter:   web
Early Development Agreement:   web

Oregon Innovative Partnerships Program (OIPP)

Application:   web
Approval Letter - Whitty:   web
Approval Letter - Warner:   web
Early Development Agreement:   web   |   Download PDF [2.27 MB]

Texas Toll Roads Statewide Open-Road Toll Collection System Project (TX Toll Collection System)

Application:   web
Approval Letter:   web
Early Development Agreement:   web   |   Download PDF [4.69 MB]


TIFIA & SEP-15 Application:   web | Download PDF [2.27 MB]
Approval Letter - Michael Behrens:   web   |   Download PDF [1.74 MB]
Early Development Agreement:   Download PDF [144 KB]

TTC 69

Application:   Download PDF [3.44 MB]
Approval Letter:   Download PDF [3.60 MB]

Virginia Pocahontas Parkway

Application:   Download PDF [4.80 MB]
Approval Letter:   Download PDF [1.27 MB]
Early Development Agreement:   web   |   Download PDF [92 KB]

US 290 East Toll Project

Application:   Download PDF [354 KB]
Approval Letter:   Download PDF [952 KB]

Connecting Idaho - GARVEE Bond Program

Application:   Download PDF [156 KB]
Approval Letter:   Download PDF [1.22 MB]
Early Development Agreement:   web   |   Download PDF [135 KB]

Alaska Knik Arm Bridge TIFIA

Application:   Download PDF [661 KB]
Approval Letter:   Download PDF [386 KB]
Early Development Agreement:   web   |   Download PDF [198 KB]

California - Orange County TIFIA Refinance

SEP-15 Application:   Download PDF [343 KB]
SEP-15 Approval Letter:   Download PDF [489 KB]

Florida - I-595 TIFIA

SEP-15 Application:   Download PDF [900 KB]
SEP - 15 Approval Letter:   Download PDF [462 KB]
SEP - 15 Early Development Agreement:   Download PDF [2.24 MB]

Mississippi - Jackson Airport Parkway TIFIA

SEP-15 Application:   Download PDF [644 KB]
SEP-15 Approval Letter:   Download PDF [735 KB]