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Superfund Risk Assessment: Ecological: Risk Characterization

Superfund Ecological Risk Topics:

Planning and Scoping

Problem Formulation

Stressor Response and
Exposure Analysis

Risk Characterization

Superfund Additional Risk Assessment Topics:

Risk Management

Risk Communication


Risk Characterization is the analysis and integration of information gathered during the risk assessment process into a summary and description of the data and risks associated with the site.

Documents | EPA Links | External Links


  1. EPA Guiding Principles on Monte Carlo Analysis

  2. EPA's Science Policy Council web page on Risk Characterization

  3. EPA's 1992 Guidance on Risk Characterization

  4. EPA Risk Characterization Program (PDF) (10 pp, 4,835 kb, About PDF)

  5. Risk Characterization Memo - Implementing the Administrator's Risk Characterization Memorandum (PDF)(4 pp, 1,800 kb, About PDF)

  6. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) Part A: Risk Characterization (PDF)(22 pp, 912 kb, About PDF)

  7. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) Part A: Risk Characterization Exhibits (PDF)(9 pp, 1.5 mb, About PDF)

  8. Superfund guidance (RAGS Volume III)

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External Links

  1. Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
    Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance is a freeware program developed at the University of Tennessee with funding from EPA, NRC, and DOE that provides comprehensive risk assessment tools in a spatial modeling environment. Risk assessors can use SADA to perform traditional risk assessment PRG calculations, PRG screens, and forward human health calculations for one or more contaminants. Users have complete control over all toxicological data, physical properties, and landuse/pathway exposure parameters to create site specific risk assessments. In addition, the risk models are integrated with SADA's spatial analysis tools, decision frameworks,and sample design strategies allowing users drive a risk based characterization from a preliminary initial sample design through a final feasibility study. In addition, SADA allows users to import their own site or region specific screening or decision threshold values separately from SADA's own risk modeling tools.

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