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 DOE's National Science Bowl®
 DOE's National Science Bowl® is a nationwide academic competition for high school students to encourage interest in math and science.
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Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) with strong support from the City of Newport News, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the United States Congress. As a user facility for scientists worldwide, its primary mission is to conduct basic research of the atom's nucleus at the quark level.



Bright light/dark matter: Free-electron lasers enter the realm of particle physics

Bright light/dark matter: Free-electron lasers enter the realm of particle physics

While two accelerators have been operating at Jefferson Lab for more than a decade, only one was known for its research probing the particles that make up our universe. But things have changed. A particle physics experiment recently performed with Jefferson Lab's Free-Electron Laser, powered by the lesser-known and smaller accelerator, has had its results published in Physical Review Letters.

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'Skinny' pions sail through nucleus

A recent Jefferson Lab experiment may have demonstrated the onset of color transparency for pions, a necessary ingredient for interpreting related experimental results in nuclear and particle physics. The experiment was performed in Jefferson Lab's Experimental Hall C.

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'Skinny' pions sail through nucleus

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Lab News Releases
29-Jun-2009 - NuTeV anomaly helps shed light on physics of the nucleus
DOE/Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

6-Jan-2009 - Jefferson Lab begins awarding contracts for construction of $310 million upgrade
DOE/Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

15-Sep-2008 - DOE's Jefferson Lab receives approval to start construction of $310M upgrade
DOE/Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

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