
Summary Report for:
17-3031.00 - Surveying and Mapping Technicians

Perform surveying and mapping duties, usually under the direction of a surveyor, cartographer, or photogrammetrist to obtain data used for construction, mapmaking, boundary location, mining, or other purposes. May calculate mapmaking information and create maps from source data, such as surveying notes, aerial photography, satellite data, or other maps to show topographical features, political boundaries, and other features. May verify accuracy and completeness of topographical maps.

This title represents a group of more specific occupations. For additional information, please select one of the specific occupations below.

17-3031.01    Surveying Technicians In-Demand
17-3031.02    Mapping Technicians In-Demand
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Wages & Employment Trends


Median wages (2007) $16.17 hourly, $33,640 annual
Employment (2006) 76,000 employees
Projected growth (2006-2016) Faster than average (14% to 20%) Faster than average (14% to 20%)
Projected need (2006-2016) 29,000 additional employees

State & National


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2007 wage data external site and 2006-2016 employment projections external site. "Projected growth" represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections period (2006-2016). "Projected need" represents job openings due to growth and net replacement.