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Remedial Process Optimization - RPO

What is Remedial Process Optimization?
Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) is a systematic approach for evaluating existing remediation systems with the goal of improving their effectiveness and reducing overall site cleanup costs without increasing risks. In the long run, efficient use of RPO reduces the operations and management (O&M) burden across the Air Force (AF), which in turn, makes more funds available to the warfighter.

RPO is a component of the overall AF Environmental Restoration Program Optimization (ERP-O) Program. RPO applies to all cleanup activities, both interim and final. This includes programs in all cleanup phases-from the Feasibility Study (FS) through site closure; to include operating Remedial Action (RA) systems and sites undergoing long-term monitoring (LTM) activities.

In the past decade, RPO has received increased attention due to a Presidential direction that all Federal Agencies focus on performance; ensuring programs are evaluated to determine if their funding is actually accomplishing their intended goals.1

In the Air Force, the RPO process is conducted using the ERP-O business model. Figure 1 below explains the role of RPO in the overall ERP-O process.

The Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment (AFCEE), in coordination with the Air Staff, has placed an emphasis on successful utilization of the ERP-O and RPO Business models. The RPO Outreach Office is managed out of the AFCEE and provides technical assistance to Environmental Restoration Account (ERA) Program Managers (PMs), as well as Air Force Major Command (MAJCOM) and installation Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) in their RPO efforts. The Air Force uses Environmental Decision Inventory Tracking Tool (EDITT) to track systems and LTM O&M costs.

figure 1
Figure 1
1President's Management agenda, section 5, 2002

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RPO Home
Program Goals
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Additional Resources
Environmental Decision Information Tracking Tool (EDITT)
Environmental Restoration Program Optimization (ERP-O)
Remedial Process Optimization (RPO)
Guidance for Contract Deliverables
Educational Opportunities
Long-Term Monitoring Program
Massachusetts Military Reservation
Records of Decision
Restoration Performance Risk Management (RPRM)

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