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December 2007, Vol. 130, No. 12

A time to work: recent trends in shift work and flexible schedules

Terence M. McMenamin
Economist, Division of Labor Force Statistics, Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
E-mail: McMenamin.Terence@bls.gov

Numerous U.S. workers have work schedules different from the standard 9 a.m.-to-5 p.m., Monday-through-Friday, work shift; the demands of the industry are the chief determinant of the use of shift work and flexible schedules.

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Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Flexible work schedules: what are we trading off to get them?.Mar. 2001.
Flexible schedules and shift work: replacing the '9-to-5' workday?
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Flexible labor: restructuring the American work force.Aug. 1997.
Growing diversity of work schedules, The.Nov. 1986.

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