Federal Aviation Administration

Flight Standards Service (AFS)
Draft Documents Open for Comment

Foreign Operations Specifications (OpSpecs)

Document Title: A028: Aircraft Wet Lease Arrangements
Summary: Revision to OpSpec A028, wet lease
Document for Download: Draft Document (MS Word)
Draft Document Comment Log (MS Word)
Reference: 14 CFR part 129
Comments Due: 07/09/2012
How to Comment: Email comments to:
Email Comments
Document Title: C056: IFR Takeoff Minimums – Airplanes
Summary: Revision to OpSpec C056
Document for Download: Draft Document (MS Word)
Draft Document Comment Log (MS Word)
Reference: 14 CFR part 129
Comments Due: 07/11/2012
How to Comment: Email comments to:
Email Comments
Document Title: D092: Maintenance Program – U.S. Registered Airplanes
Summary: Revision to OpSpec D092
Document for Download: Draft Document (MS Word)
Draft Document Comment Log (MS Word)
Reference: 14 CFR part 129
Comments Due: 07/11/2012
How to Comment: Email comments to:
Email Comments

Page Last Modified: 06/21/12 10:47 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/draft_docs/129opspecs/