Yreka Fish and Wildlife Office
Pacific Southwest Region

Survey Protocols and Techniques

Survey Protocols and Techniques

The Yreka Field Office (Yreka FWO) has many survey protocols and techniques available for project planning or field investigations.  Vocalizations are included for use in surveying for northern spotted owl and northern goshawk.


Siskiyou Mountains salamander (Plethodon stormi), survey protocol.



Northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis cuarina), survey protocol and vocalizations.

Marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), survey protocol.

Northern goshawk (Accipiter genielis), survey protocol (see Chapter 3) and vocalizations.



Pacific fisher (Martes pennanti), survey protocol.

Plant Survey Protocols

Guidelines for Reporting and Conducting Botanical Inventories

General Rare Plant Survey Guidelines





Additional survey protocols and information may obtained by clicking here