The purpose of this demo is to provide a complete overview of the types of technologies planned for the updated NWFHS database and mapping website. The demo is divided into four main sections, and is fairly comprehensive. Viewing the entire demonstration will take between 20 - 30 minutes, and is best done in order of display (see links at left) - although each section may be viewed independently.

The demonstration requires the Flash Player browser plug-in - Download here. The minimum recommended screen resolution is 1024x768. Using a broadband connection, the sections may take up to several minutes to download (the last section is the largest and may take longer). Downloads will take significantly longer using dial-up connections.

The navigation bar located at the bottom of the demo screen allows the action to be paused. Clicking the "slider" jumps to that point in the section. Also available are navigation links to this page, the previous section (where applicable), and the next section of the demonstration.

Demo Control
Demo navigation controls

Please send questions, comments, and suggestions concerning the updates to the database and mapping interfaces to