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Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg - Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg is an associate editor at The Atlantic. She curates the Video channel. More

Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg's work in media spans documentary television, advertising, and print. As a producer in the Viewer Created Content division of Al Gore's Current TV, she acquired and produced short documentaries by independent filmmakers around the world. Post-Current, she worked as a producer and strategist at Urgent Content, developing consumer-created and branded nonfiction campaigns for clients including Cisco, Ford, and GOOD Magazine. She studied filmmaking and digital media at Harvard University, where she was co-creator and editor in chief of H BOMB Magazine.

Bored of Epic Time-Lapse Videos? Check Out This 'Hyperlapse'

By Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg
Sep 25 2012, 2:54 PM ET Comment

We feature time-lapse videos on the Atlantic Video pretty regularly (watch them here) but just when we think we've seen it all, we discover something awesome. In his latest reel, Very Little Stars, Ben Wiggins showcases a next-level technique that has other time-lapse photographers saying nice things in the comments section.

The method is not super new but it's been catching on lately; videomakers call it hyperlapse. Essentially, moving the camera through space while shooting stills at regular intervals creates sweeping shots when played back as video. Many time-lapse videos feature camera movements -- just not camera movements this big. Covering a lot of ground seems to be the key to creating dizzying momentum. Check out the shots at 1:30 to see some particularly cool examples of what it looks like, and don't forget to watch full screen in HD! 

For more work by Ben Wiggins, visit

Via Tom Lowe.

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