Office of Regional Affairs (ISN/RA)


The Office of Regional Affairs (RA), in coordination with other Department offices, develops and implements U.S. policies and diplomatic responses to bilateral and regional international security and WMD proliferation challenges, including the proliferation threats posed by Iran, North Korea, and Syria. RA’s dedicated Middle East, East Asia, and South Asia teams play lead coordination roles in these efforts and develop and support nonproliferation and strategic dialogues to promote nonproliferation and regional security and stability, for example with India, Pakistan, China, NATO, and other key states and regional groupings. RA also promotes bilateral and regional confidence building measures and coordinates closely with the Department’s regional bureaus, White House offices, and other U.S. agencies, including the Department s of Defense and Energy. The regional teams’ responsibilities include but are not limited to:

Middle East Team: Proliferation threats from Iran and Syria, other WMD proliferation issues in North Africa and the Middle East;

East Asia Team: North Korean denuclearization; strategic dialogues; nuclear issues with China; and the ASEAN Regional Forum and the East Asia Summit;

South Asia Team: Civil nuclear cooperation and other initiatives with India; proliferation risks emanating from the region; enhancing strategic stability and promoting strategic dialogue with India and Pakistan.

RA also has dedicated staff that plays leading roles in the development and coordination of nonproliferation policy and related security issues at NATO; including the NATO-Russia Council, as well as in Sub-Saharan Africa, and in the Western Hemisphere in North, Central, and South America.

Director: Robert H. Gromoll Jr., Ph.D.


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