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National Disaster Recovery Framework Stakeholder Forum in New Orleans


Today we are holding the first stakeholder forum for the National Disaster Recovery Framework in New Orleans, and additional stakeholder forums are being organized for other cities in the coming months. The purpose of this forums is to continue the development, collaboration and implementation of the key concepts of the Recovery Framework and discuss how they can be used to drive recovery efforts in a community after a disaster or through pre-disaster recovery planning.

As we blogged about this in September, the release of the Recovery Framework is the culmination of a collaborative process and extensive outreach efforts that brought together recovery partners and stakeholders from across the nation. The framework was developed through numerous meetings and briefings, online engagements, and a series of video teleconferences and stakeholder forums across the country, building upon existing programs, authorities and best practices.

The Recovery Framework outlines how disaster recovery is supported and organized across the nation, and builds on scalable, flexible, and adaptable coordinating structures to align key roles and responsibilities, linking state, local, tribal and territorial governments, the federal government, private sector, individuals, and voluntary, faith-based, disability and community organizations – all who play vital roles in community-based recovery.

On March 30, 2011, the President issued Presidential Policy Directive-8 (PPD-8) directing the delivery of “a series of integrated national planning frameworks, covering prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.” Consistent with the vision set forth in PPD-8, the Recovery Framework summarizes the way ahead for disaster recovery and is the first framework published under PPD-8.

Visit our Recovery Framework page for the full Framework document and future stakeholder forums.

Last Updated: 
06/18/2012 - 11:12

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