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MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator)

For answers to users' questions on MOVES, see our "Frequent Questions" page.

EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) has developed the MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES). This new emission modeling system estimates emissions for mobile sources covering a broad range of pollutants and allows multiple scale analysis. MOVES currently estimates emissions from cars, trucks & motorcycles. We plan to add the capability to model non-highway mobile sources in future releases.

A new version of MOVES is now available. MOVES2010b incorporates new features and a number of performance improvements. Unless substantial work with MOVES2010 and/or MOVES2010a has been done, modelers may wish to use MOVES2010b and take advantage of the improvements incorporated in this version.

Please find the latest guidance on Using MOVES for State Implementation Plans (SIP), Transportation Conformity, Greenhouse Gases, and Fuel Consumption here:

For further information:

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General Information about MOVES2010b

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MOVES2010b User Documents and Tools

Downloading MOVES2010b

Using MOVES for SIP and Conformity Purposes (also see MOVES2010b Questions & Answers)

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Using MOVES for Estimating Greenhouse Gases and Fuel Consumption

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