Army Strong Videos

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

2010 - AAB Webisode 4

John Rudesheim talks about his experience at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl.

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2010 - AAB Webisode 4

John Rudesheim talks about his experience at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl.

RUDESHEIM: Today's our second day. We basically just hammered out all the parts, made sure everything was clean, went over everything together as a drumline and worked together as a whole ensemble with the pit and the drum line, and just making everything as smooth as possible today.
RUDESHEIM: The preparation for this Army All American Bowl is definitely a lot more intense than what I've done for normal marching bands back at home... definitely 'cause there's a lot less time here, and the music is a lot more difficult. But it's good that we're working with such excellent people and the staff really makes you feel at home and helps you ease the transition as much as possible.
SOLDIER: We used to call it rehearsal, now we call it training. And when we instruct your training we always say you're gonna crawl, then you're gonna walk, and then you're gonna run. You guys have moved very, very quickly from crawling into walking, and we're really looking forward to seeing you running on Saturday. So you're doing a terrific job.
RUDESHEIM: The mentor we had, Sergeant Elliot, he's a percussionist in the US Army Field Band. He definitely stressed discipline to us, and that's a big thing when you're preparing for something like this. 'Cause you have a limited amount of time to get all this together, and there's lots of people involved, so you have to be disciplined in your rehearsal and in your preparation in order to make everything come together as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
RUDESHEIM: Yeah, we're definitely pumped for the performance at the end of the week. We're just preparing as much as possible, having fun and looking forward to it all coming together.
RUDESHEIM: I'm John Rudesheim. You're watching my US Army All American Bowl week experience, in this All American marching band. Tune in tomorrow to see what happens.
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