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Poultry Processing Industry eTool
Plant-Wide Hazards
Receiving and Killing
Cutting and Deboning

Task 2: Line Loader

Line LoaderParts are transported from the cutting stations to the deboning stations in hand-carried tubs. Tubs may be lifted from cart shelves or lifted from the floor and carried to deboning stations. Tubs are emptied onto a conveyor or staging shelf which is generally at waist- to shoulder-height. This task may also be repeated at the trimming lines where product that has been de-boned may again be placed in a tub and transported to the trimmers.

Hazards of the task may include:
Bending at the waist to lift tubs of product
Hazardous Situation:
Repeatedly bending forward and reaching out away from the body stresses the back even if there is a little weight being lifted because the upper body must be supported. When loads are being lifted, bending over at the waist increases the distance the load is held away from the body and increases the stress placed on the back. Bending and lifting heavy loads such as those encountered at these stations greatly increases the risk of injury to the low back.
Possible Solutions:
  • Place tubs on shelves that are waist high so employees do not need to bend when lifting.
  • Place product in larger transport tubs, then use a tilter dumper to elevate and tilt so the contents are continually moved forward toward the employee and are maintained at about waist height at all times.
  • Place product in larger transport tubs, then use a tub dumper at the workstation to empty contents on the conveyor.
  • Use conveyor or auger to mechanically transport product from one station to the other.
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Washington, DC 20210