SAMSHA LogoThe National GAINS Center
United States Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abouse and Mental Health Services Administration
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The publications on this website reflect free publications available from the National GAINS Center. Materials may be obtained by downloading them below or ordering by telephone, email or through our online order form. Publications are Adobe PDF documents and will open in a new window. Download Adobe PDF Reader by clicking here.
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  • Co-Occurring Disorders
  • Evidence-Based Practices
  • Family
  • Integrating Services
  •  Jail Diversion 
  •   eNews  
  • JLI Newletters
  • Notes to the Field
  • Re-Entry
  • Specialty Courts
  • Women
  • Veterans

Extending Assertive Community Treatment to Criminal Justice Settings
Fact Sheet   PDF | HTML      Discussion Paper: PDF | HTML

Illness Management and Recovery  
Fact Sheet   PDF | HTML     Discussion Paper: PDF | HTML

Integrating Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services for Justice-Involved Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders  
Fact Sheet   PDF | HTML     Discussion Paper: PDF | HTML

Moving Toward Evidence-Based Housing Programs for Persons with Mental Illness in Contact with the Justice System  
Fact Sheet   PDF | HTML     Discussion Paper: PDF | HTML

Supported Employment  
Fact Sheet   PDF | HTML     Discussion Paper: PDF | HTML


  The CMHS National GAINS Center    800.311.GAIN  

Funded by the Center for Mental Health Services of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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