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Agricultural Research Magazine
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September 2012 - Vol. 60, No. 8

Cover of September 2012 Agricultural Research Magazine

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September 2012 issue (PDF publication).

Table of Contents

Forum—Biofuels: No Single Answer, Many Possibilities (html) or (pdf)

ARS and the Regional Biomass Research Centers (html) or (pdf)

Biofuel Prospects With Prairie Perennials (html) or (pdf)
   Same Plant, Different Project, Shared Goals [sidebar] (html)

Finding the Right Biofuels for the Southeast: A Range of Alternatives (html) or (pdf)
   Sweet Sorghum Research: Building on the Past for a Better Future [sidebar] (html)

ARS Researchers Flying Higher With New Jet Fuels (html) or (pdf)

Pink Lemonade, Razz, and More! Wonderful Blueberries From ARS to You (html) or (pdf)

Making Fruit Flies More Macho for Sterile Insect Releases (html) or (pdf)
Nueva técnica aumenta la virilidad de las moscas de frutas en el programa de liberación de insectos estériles

Banking on Plants as Storehouses (html) or (pdf)

A Cautionary Note About Copper Footbaths for Dairy Cows (html) or (pdf)

Locations Featured in This Magazine Issue (html) or (pdf)



Last Modified: 09/14/2012
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