File talk:Deutschland Besatzungszonen - 1945 1946.svg

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In a map for the situation as of 1945-1946, there should be borders for the land of Lippe, as it had not yet acceded to North Rhine-Westphalia. Also, what's up with the Saarland being differently marked in different solutions? - Eine Karte für den Status 1945/1946 sollte die Grenzen des Landes Lippe enthalten, das damals noch nicht zu Nordrhein-Westfalen gehörte. Und das Saarland ist unterschiedlich eingezeichnet je nach Auflösung? Billyray32 (talk) 15:59, 25 January 2008 (UTC)

A quick question about the posted dates:

Quote: "English: Allied occupation zones in Germany after 02/21/1947 after Lippe became part of Northrhine-Westphalia Deutsch: Alliierte Besatzungszonen Deutschlands nachdem Lippe zu NRW am 21. Januar 1947 beigetreten ist. mit Länder Nederlands: Geallieerde bezettingszones in Duitsland na 22.01.1947 met deelstaten"

Is the map showing the state of the ockupation after 21 february 1947 or 21 January 1947? The different languages tells different dates.

—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:03, 9 March 2008 (UTC)

The Map certainly needs updating, This official map on the right should be followed for 1945 - 1946, and the map on the left should - despite its file name - be used for 1947 - 1949 visualizations. (The Saar was cut out in 1947, Western German was formed in 1949)


--Stor stark7 Speak 23:02, 16 July 2008 (UTC)

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