Featured Columns

Go large, Mitt

When you’re behind, playing it safe is fatal.

The ‘skewed’ delusion

Conspiracy theories let GOP duck hard truths.

A boon for Obama

Consumer optimism is only good news for him.

Higher taxes not enough

A Democratic balanced-budget myth.

The GOP’s real problem

It’s not Mitt Romney — it’s their own base.

The war on free advice

The state objects to a man dispensing diet tips.

Flag on the NFL owners

Could there be a better lesson on arrogance?

Romney’s bad math

The many flaws at the heart of his tax plan.

Missing and still missed

Dail Dinwiddie both lingers and is forgotten.

Feed the wealthy

The GOP’s redistribution of wealth — and life.

A ‘hit man’ for Hillary

And his undiplomatic e-mail exchange.

A bogus defense

Obama’s poor record on intel briefings.

Turning against teachers unions

(Scott Olson / GETTY IMAGES)

  • Turning against teachers unions

    Turning against teachers unions

    Chicago highlighted Democrats’ shift.

    http://img3.wpdigital.net/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2012/09/19/National-Economy/Images/152346685.jpg 296 197
  • Still leaving our kids behind

    Still leaving our kids behind

    Obama institutionalizes lowered expectations.

    http://img3.wpdigital.net/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2012/02/26/Education/Images/2012-02-09T193304Z_01_WASG03_RTRIDSP_3_OBAMA-EDUCATION.jpg 296 202
  • Faded rage against Obamacare

    Faded rage against Obamacare

    Obama has the upper hand on health care.

    http://img.wpdigital.net/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2012/03/27/National-Politics/Images/509943318-13913.jpg 296 214
  • It’s the filibuster, stupid

    It’s the filibuster, stupid

    The debate question that must be asked.

    http://img.wpdigital.net/rf/image_296w/WashingtonPost/Content/Blogs/the-insiders/Images/Student_Loans-Q_and_A_Q and A.JPEG-01fe6-035.jpg 296 206

Outlook & Opinions

The risk of easy money

The risk of easy money

There are many better ways to help the economy than lowering interest rates.

Lessons from past presidential debates

Lessons from past presidential debates

Check the lighting, and don’t look at your watch.

A legal hit on Iran

A legal hit on Iran

What Obama should do first when responding to a nuclear threat.

The NRSC’s worst week

The NRSC’s worst week

Todd Akin stays in his race, putting the GOP’s Senate electoral arm in an impossible position.


What exactly do Ryan's charts mean?

His argument against debt is undercut by the very facts he presents.

Book Reviews

Local Blog Network

An even playing field for cabs and Uber?

Rather than clamping down on a new business model, maybe the rules for cabs should be eased.

Opinions Videos

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama’s many smiles

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama’s many smiles

University of Arkansas political science professor Patrick Stewart analyzes the meaning behind the many smiles of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama.
Nationals make ‘The Rough Rider’ a hapless loser

Nationals make ‘The Rough Rider’ a hapless loser

In the long history of organized sports, no team or individual at the collegiate or professional level has ever lost 500 times in a row. But if one current streak continues, history of the wrong kind will be made midway through the fourth inning at Nationals Park on Aug. 18, when the world will witness perhaps the first competitor in a professional sports arena to lose for the 500th consecutive time.
Bars, not playgrounds

Bars, not playgrounds

Video: City’s rapid growth highlights development plan’s shortcomings.
When loans hurt more than they help (2:07)

When loans hurt more than they help (2:07)

Microcredit expert David Roodman discusses why providing loans to the world's poor isn't always in their best interest.
The ads Mitt Romney should run

The ads Mitt Romney should run

Democratic strategist Tad Devine gives examples of the types of TV advertisements that could help GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.
Congress achieves worst year in Washington

Congress achieves worst year in Washington

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza named Congress winner of "The Worst Year in Washington" award after a 2011 full of empty promises and inaction.
Rep. Weiner, Obama and D.C. sports hoping for a better 2012

Rep. Weiner, Obama and D.C. sports hoping for a better 2012

There weren't too many bright spots in 2011 for Rep. Anthony Weiner, President Barack Obama or D.C. sports, all named winners of The Fix's "Bad Year in Washington" by Chris Cillizza.
Washington's winners in 2011

Washington's winners in 2011

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza explains why Newt Gingrich and the Clinton family had such great years.
Why District filmgoers deserve better

Why District filmgoers deserve better

The Washington Post's Ned Martel discusses the unique traits of the D.C. moviegoers and why the nation's capital should be on the forefront of film releases.
The Insiders

The Insiders

Veteran Democratic strategist Carter Eskew and veteran Republican strategist Ed Rogers launch a conversation about Election 2012.
To see - or be seen? The hipster-frames story

To see - or be seen? The hipster-frames story

The Washington Post's Ned Martel tries on some of the big and chunky frames that are showing up on the faces of celebrities and Washington insiders.
China’s wrong track

China’s wrong track

Is the nation’s high-speed rail really a model for the U.S. transportation system? Based on his travels in China, Washington Post editorial writer Charles Lane thinks not.